Oct 28, 2009 22:04
can i just not care?
can i just not think?
can i just shut these eyes?
can i just pretend not to hear anything?
can i just ignore everyone?
can i just hate someone?
can i just kick someone's ass?
can i just hurt someone's heart?
can i just give up now?
can i just get home alrdy?
very sadly in reality it is NOT.and i know just the correct answers to the above questions which i do not need anyone to answer them for me.whatever.how life gets better while people feel worse?
can i just,
purposely intentionally delibaretly,
not care?
well,fitrah manusia.hanya kepada-NYA kita kembali.
ok,enough with this emo thingy.asal post journal je mesti tengah emo! tak fun langsung kan? whatever.tak tau nk share dgn sape.kakak seems very busy with her clinical year.no time to have a long chat with her.sempat gossip pasal oth,some koreans and gossip pasal this one hot story which i ternganga bila dengar!!.how i miss u,kak!
plus,tgh period kot! haha
ok now,yannie,
if u happen to read this post,i just wanna check u! are u alive or not? huhu.sorry! hehe
have u forgotten me alrdy? hows exam,class and malaysia?
internet here is being bitch,u know? almost a week got no net.and just now i called si mahmud and ugut if internet xde tonite, i x nak byr for this month.tup tup,10 mins later internet datang!!! wohooooooooo~~~
mmm..last time i ade ckp i jd mushrifah kan? and one of the 'adik' yg i mushrifahkan is adik icam??? can u believe it? jinxxx gile!! haha
ntah mcm mane i tanye duduk mane.duduk kajang.and sekolah mane.sekali die ckp die sekolah abim.so i pun excited la..'akak pun sekolah situ..blabla..'..oh,abang saye pun! sape name abg awk? hisham! oh,die anak md mahir ke? hahaha...sekali btol die adik icam.
i x tau pun adik die nk dtg.ingatkan adik aw je.and guess what? she wanted to see u soooo bad! her brother told her soo many things about you! fewwwiittt...bangga x? haha..and die mcm malu2 dgn kite.even her housemate bgtau i, husna(her name) ni malu dgn kak zati.hahaha..mula2 kalau die call,housemate die yg ckp ngn kite.die malu.but now dh ok sikit after i ckp x yah la malu2.nanti akak pun malu gak.hahaha.whatever.i x tau mcm mane nk jadi kakak to those adik2.haha.but thankfully,i dpt juniors yg best jugakla.and they all very baik and sporting.all in all,being a mushrifah isn't so bad.asalkn dpt yg best2la.
and,i need some doses of arashi! rindu sho!
oh btw,i just bought an external hard disk.320 GB! which dh selamat dimasuki virus from meen's laptop yesterday.so pissed off! x sampai seminggu pun lagi.isk!
oh,ur lj's friends only me and kak k kan? if ade,mcm bahaya jugak!
now tgh layan a few new korean male groups! ntah! pengubat 2pm and dbsk kot.haha.biase2 je pun.except supernova! acceptable jugakla!
pastu layan news! haha sbb tgk buzzer beat.tak tahan tgk yamapi cute sangat!
okay,hope to hear something from yannie soon.
lots of love~
p/s:ohh! soo into pete yorn & scarlet johansson 's songs