Jun 09, 2009 13:33
Remember when we only had the analog cameras when we were growing up? When I was a kid, we only had the "110" kind. We didn't have the "135" one, supposedly it itakes much better pictures than the "110". When we finally had the "better" camera complete with the self-timer, courtesy of my sister who was already in the states, back then, I was beaming with pride whenever I had to use it. Well, my son, whom we fondly call Ot-Ot, is fond of taking pictures. He's 3 and 1/2 and he knows how to take pictures using my digital camera. He's never used an anlog camera before. When he saw one of my sister's old analog camera, he was confused. He didn't know how to operate it. Where was the LCD screen? He's so used to my digital camera. He takes random shots of his plate, his toys, my foot, my "floatation device" (a.k.a. bilbil!), close up of dad's nose, etc. So we went shopping at our favorite neighborhood store, Target (pronounced as tar-jay! hihihi) for kiddie cameras and found two. One was from Fisher Price and the other from V-tech. They're both in the $60 range. We didn't buy it right away coz I wanted to shop some more. Finally after shopping around and finding nothing else, I was sold on the V-tech kiddiezoom digital camera. It's a bit more expecnsive than the fisher price one but had more kiddie features, complete with a 1.8 in LCD screen. As I was walking past the video games, I chanced upon this row of other kiddie digital cameras. I found a sponge bob one that was on sale for $16.99. Problem is, I couldn't see the back of the camera. Well, I thought, why would they make a digital camera without an LCD screen? So I settled for this one and happily paid my $16.99+ tax. When I went home, I proudly presented my "find" first to my husband, then to my son! I placed the batteries as directed. I was about to hand the camera to my son after I turned it on, when, lo and behold! There was a small screen at the back of the camera but it only shows a picture counter! It doesn't give you a preview of your shots! %@$^)_! My son was asking how to preview the shots he took! I was so mad at myself for choosing the cheaper kind. Now, why would you make a digital camera, without the LCD screen? My dear hubby had to remind that I only paid $16.99 + tax. It doesn't cover the LCD screen, he said. Whatever! The following week, we ended up getting the V-tech one as I had promised my son that he was getting his own digital camera. I am very happy with that purchase. It turned out, the V-tech one is a digital camcorder with 3 kiddie games. You can also insert an SD memory card, which we did, for extra memory. We took pictures, videos and edited (yes, it has a photo editor) them. I will post pictures form his camera and maybe some of his videos later.