Aug 16, 2002 22:50
a very interesting, fun night has come to an end, well actually it wasn't THAT interesting but yeah..whatever, we went to Nick's our plans for singing to Lauren's Mom kind of fell through but we did wish her a happy birthday and oh..shit..that card is still in my purse oh well she will get it EVENTUALLY, tottally..but yeah we went there, I had a small pizza and didn't even eat half, god I felt bad wasn't THAT great and yeah whatever we sat in the PINK BOOTH! that BOOTH ROCCCKKSSS! we didn't even ask for it, SHO SHO! yeah yeah we talked REALLY LOUD and Mrs. Fehn and MAL MAL [Holly's Mom and sister] came along and..its fun talkin with the MALLLLLSSTTTTEERRR yeah we were all..talking bad about people at MHS well I wasn't but Holly was and her Mom was like KEEP IT DOWN, HOLLY, people might hear you and she goes I don't care Mom "I hate so and so" and shiot like that, t'was fun talking, but then again when don't we? yesss yesss then we walked over to the THEATRE and got tickets and we saw Cassie, Bethany, Josh, Facara [can't spell her name] but yeah..Cassie gave me this awful look and Bethany actually said hi and talked to us..I was like SUPRISE, SUPRIIISSEEE, but only in my mind, I'm nice, I don't doooo that ;] but yeah and everyone and their brother went to see that movie, okay, Blue Crush..lets see here, it was good, it really was, I liked it, would reccommend it, they. drag. out. the. ending. that. bothered. me yes yes it did, but yeah it was good, I think Kate Bogsworth [the main character] is soooo pretty, her skin is like GORGEOUS, but yeeaaahhh and then when we got out we saw SUSAN MIDCIFF who is in our Algebra class with her ugly ass glasses and her class shirt, it FIT HER! god, that pissed me off, of course she is a little big =x omg, I need to calm down, I'm sooo fucking MEAN, but yeah then we went in Mrs. Sendelweck's convertible [w00t w00t] the thing ROCKS! we saw Louie and RAY RAY but Ray Ray was I know you and I was all..SCHMUCK! and we left it was funnnn but Louie is adorable..yeaahhh okay so we drove out, we saw James from Day School, damn he's hot we were all HEEEYYY! when we drive by we wanted to go back but when we did, he wasn't there and we drove past "Kart World" and there was this dude yelling so Mrs. Sendelweck backed up and we were all WHERE THE PLAYA? but yeah then we cruised the GREEENN, thats where all the peeps cruise, its fun with a convertible, like people will yell and we were all HOLLA AT A PLAYA! we blasted Britney Spears who was on the radio and were singing really loud people would honk and shit, it was soooo much fun! but yeah, my hair got REALLY JACKED UP but thats what always happens in the thing, but its worth it cause it was fun having a girl's night out with out THE B-LAKE, but it WOULD have been nice to have him there so we could call him BEEELLAAKKKEEE! thats sooo fun, it REALLY IS! oh yeah you know what else is fun? scaring kids in the arcade, they were lookin at me and I was all "boo whatchu lookin at?" and then they rolled their eyes and I was like RULE NUMBER 56: no rolling eyes at a SUPERIOR IN THE GAME ROOM! check the manual, children..ahh thats SOOO MUCH FUN! oh yeah we saw Zac at Nick's he was with his COUSINS AGAIN, he goes everywhere with his freakin cousins, its ANNOYING, the only friends he has I guess =x but yeah I'm always with Holly + Lauren, but..NOT ALWAYS..but yeeaaahhhh..okay thats it, wanted to update before I got to unbearbably TIRED, yes yes, "lata playa" I sound like a closet ebonics freak but it is SOOO MUCH FUN! I have. too. much. fun ;o]
later journal