Aug 13, 2002 16:22
this day was mucho better than yesterday, it was just alot more mellow and I wasn't as nervous and jerky and thats a HUGE PLUS, the only bad thing about today was..I got there early..and we don't go to our homerooms, we go straight to our classes, Nikki and Holly's classroom was already open so they went in there and I went to my Spanish class and the door was locked and no sign of Mrs. Veike I was freaking out, so I went back to my locker to try to find someone to talk to, NO ONE WAS THERE, god then I went down there and lollygagged and FINALLY saw Blake and made him stay down there with me so I didn't feel "alone" god I'm a loser, but anyway Spanish class isn't that bad, Ian Patterson is actually REALLY NICE, I mean..he's very friendly actually..and he makes an effort to talk to everyone, well not everyone, but almost everyone and when we did our MEbag thing, him and Patrick would make the HUGEST deal out of everything, it was pretty fun actually..and..I picked out a Spanish name..Raquel..doesn't that sound like a soap star? Bethany told me to pick it, so I did and I picked out one for her, Margarita even though SECRETLY I wanted that one cause..Margartias are AWESOME uh huh so yeah..god these classes are SO FREAKIN LONG, I'm so used to 40 minute blocks but instead we have 90 minute blocks and its just..long and drawn out..but its okay..I can deal it was fine, then we went to Resource, god thats freakin long too but I finished all my homework and read some of my book [Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants] or something like that, yeah we read for 20 minutes in Spanish class I just continued from TRT [Tiger Reading Time] but annyyywaaayyy..homeroom is getting better, Laura who used to go to CTK is really nice we helped each other with some homework and Emily..she's really funny..and her locker's pretty darn close to mine..and..Ben, he's my new little friend, he's itty bitty and he's adorable and I helped him with his Spanish and Biology homework, while Mr. Exline left..people kept on throwing notes to each other and Cameron kept on throwing them at Ben and they would say "Emily O Bryan wants to go out with you" or some shit like that when its OBVIOUS she likes this "player" Anthony, I mean, Anthony's cool and all..but he is like a major pimp, he doesn't seem attractive whatsoever, but then again her and I have TOTTALLY DIFFERENT TASTE IN GUYS! tottally except for Justin Wedding, he is SOOOOOOO CUTE/ADORABLE/HOTT! he sits across the "room" from me in English, like our desks are split in the middle, he's in the front 2 rows across from he, he looks so innocent and cute like he would never hurt ANYONE me and Lauren are on a misson to become friends with him because we think he would be an AWESOME friend because he seems like a sweetheart..mmhmm so yeah..English was fun today..we all went to lunch and like everyone in the class sat together and we were all..a tight knit bunch and it was awesome we were all talking about how Mr. Dessaur [DESS-ARE] he told us AGAIN today how to pronounce his name..well we decided he was a "chode" you don't want to know what that means..mmhmm..ya just don't and we just had a grand old time and there was a HUGE REVELATION! I sat next to Emily at lunch..EMIILLLYYY..good LORD..but..someone took my seat that I saved for Lauren but that was okay but anyway, then we went back and..did nothing and Jake was making his faces again and me and Whitney kept on waving at each other with our pens and sometimes our pinkies and then we'd giggle and he'd give me a bad look..whatever DESSAUR! yeah after that we went to World History was fine, I mean, really easy day we took a quiz and I read the wrong section in the wrong chapter and everything and..THANK GOD HE DIDN'T TAKE THE GRADE! omg..he gave us all a 100% to start out with, nice, KIND man..hah..but he told us about a 3 page paper we have to write and if we turn it in before September 6th he adds 10 extra bonus points to that grade and I was all..SCORE! I'm so doing that, I just have to find my topic ::ponders:: I'll figure something out its pretty general, anything related to history from 1400 to the present and something that isn't really related to US History, any ideas anyone? hah..I'm wierd..YESS M'AAM! but yeah..I have a feeling I'll get less and less nervous and more and more comfortable everyday and that rocks my socks off, I can't wait for that, HAH! yeeaahh and maybe once I'm comfortable I'll have the guts to talk to Robert..ugh YEEAAHHH right, god, I'm a WIMP I can always have John or Sara introduce me, that would be easssyyy but..since he's all..RIGHT THERE I should just do it sometime, when I'm in the mood of course..mmmhmm...that won't happen very soon but YANNO..okay so my night is basically free tonight and I'm all happy..we are having BLAAHHH porkchops for dinner though, I hate porkchops..ewwww..yeah..I'm 'cited about tommorow because I have Holly for a double block and I only saw her in the halls a couple of our classes together but that was'll be better tommorow besides the fact that I DESPISE MY SEAT IN MATH LIKE A MOFO! I think if Zac tries to bother me during class I'm going to tell Mr. Carter so he might move me..HAH..I'm so ruthless but I'd do anything to sit on the other side of the room with them..REAAALLLYYYY and that would help me ecscape from being near Keith Bennett..I REFUSE to make eye contact with that kid since he asked Holly out =x omg..I just about laughed, I ALMOST DID except..I didn't cause then she would get pissed and she said she'd give me the details later..god she better get on tonight, I need to hear ALL ABOUT IT, I heard alot about it on the way to Resource but..not all of yeha I think I'm off, yeah I might write later if something THAT interesting happens..DOUBT IT ;]
later journal