(no subject)

Aug 09, 2002 00:31

I'm writing AGAIN for Kayla..she's always so ANXIOUS..well here is for ya girlie..mkay..so I was really nervous about this thing, and frankly, I didn't have a reason to, when I got there I was fine, but there were so many people and it scared me, so many people I don't know and I feel like I should know, I felt left out there for a little while but..I was perfectly fine after that, I walked to Spanish class with Blake, he was all..I'm scared about Spanish and I'm like WHAT? Blake you are supposed to be the one that says its easy and helps me and he was like..I thought YOU WERE the one that was supposed to help me..whatever, HAH and Bethany's in that class and she didn't ignore me, I was all..happy..sort of..but not really..then I went..er..I don't remember now..to Mr. Exline and we met him and he seemed so NICE and..I saw the people in home room a TON of them from GSS: Cameron, Brock, Bryant, Emily O and suprisingly Courtney R, she was cool, she was like well, Steph, looks like we are the only sane ones here, I wish us BOTH luck with this one, I missed her a whole lot ;] but anyway I walked with her to English where EVERYONE and they're brother was, Emily O, Lauren, Whitney, Anna, me, Courtney R and Jake are all in that class and Mr. Dessaur is subbing for Mrs. Delancy because she had a baby, I couldn't keep a straight face because the room is seperated and Jake was sitting right across from me and we were laughing at him the whole time, god we were such evil children to him because he studdered and said his name a million times, I can't stand having him for a freakin 6 weeks, DAMN! but I know I'll love that class because I feel included and special because I know lots of people so anyway then I moved on to..World History..this class..er..scares me a little..Courtney Logel is the only one I know and it scared me, I mean, god so many people and..it intimidated me, I saw another girl from St. John's I need to talk to her and we can become friends and become World History buddies..that would be fun =) and then we went to Algebra, this is BY FAR my favorite class, me, Lauren, Nikki and J.T <33333 is in this class he sat right in front of me and I kept on turning around and talking to Holly and I was like OMG OMG OMG HOLY SHIT IN MY HEAD! god he's hot uh huh..but the teacher, Mr. Carter is fruity and was like EXPECT HOMEWORK EVERYNIGHT! damn him, oh yeah Wes was in that class, my only class with him, not that I cared, I could have talked to him but I didn't he was avoiding me I could tell he would look at me and if I looked back he would walk or turn away..In my head I was like WTF IS YOUR PROBLEM? then I realized..what was my problem for ignoring him but I didn't care for more than a couple of minutes, but yeah moved on to Biology, me and Holly have this class together and Jake's in it too..I was happy about that but we have assigned seating so I'm going to end up not sitting next to anyone probably KEITH BENNETT! ewww, he's in like every one of Holly's classes I personally think its funny, Ian Patterson this one guy from HRS is in ALL OF MINE including Choir, which I went to next and the teacher is really nice and I can tell this will be my easy, laid back take a breather class, yanno, I love to sing and I will love this class I'm sure..and lets see..on to Theology..I got in there late because that class is on the 3rd floor and Choir is on the ground floor and anyway everyone stared and Courtney L and John are in this one but I didn't sit near them for some reason, I felt uncomfortable in this room, I don't think I'll like it very much, plus the teacher looks BITCHY LIKE NO OTHER! ugh..but anyway then we went downstairs and found our parents and went home, I WAS SO FUCKING PISSED THAT RYAN WASN'T IN ANY OF MY CLASSES AND THAT HE WASN'T MY HOMEROOM! god, but Lauren was all..no no you will meet him doing some club and he'll fall in love with you and not having him in your classes won't matter, I wish! oh yeah and Whitney said that she is going to go up to him and tell him I have a crush on him..but I have to point him OUT FIRST! bwahahaha..but I will..I want to talk to him so bad, he seems so cool and he's just so adorable..uh huh then I got home and I was talking to all of these people at once it scared me a little but it was cool, I felt all special and stuff and Whitney was being all nice and stuff and she was like Oh PLEASE GURL! I will introduce you to anyone that I know you don't..you know that :o) she was acting uber cool! I was like..wee! yes..and Dean got a new sn or something..yeah and I talked to Austin and it was cool I havend't talked to him in AGES and he's not in any of my classes otherwise he'd introduce me to people, DAMN IT! things just don't ever work out for me..NEVER..atleast thats the way it seems..so anyway I found out that John just got dumped, I feel so sorry for the guy, he did EVERYTHING for Chanti [Holly and I's nickname for Chantel] and she broke up with him for "being too nice" now thats just plain stupid but watch I'd do the same thing, I was being all supportive and stuff because I felt geniunely bad uh huh..so I think thats it and..I'm kind of tired now, I think I'll check Kayla's journal or something..and then I'm off to bed..yeah..sweet dreams :D
later journal
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