Oct 22, 2004 19:11
i have officially decided (ok actually stef called me this ) that i am a free spirit. in other more basic words i would walk around without clothes on. well, to an extent. i stop at a certain line, that line being undergarments. but otherwise i wouldn't be uncomfortable without clothes. is that a bad thing?? ha like i care. i seriously would go around in my underwear, if i wouln't be totally yelled at by the ppl who i actually take the opinions of seriously (for ex: parents, teachers, my jolly dear amigas, and maybe the guys).
you know what's wierd? i'm not against swearing, just swearing unintelligently. i am vehemently against ppl who use words in the wrong context. for ex, the f word means sex but ppl are always like "f this" which is often humanly impossible. actually i'm against most forms of utter stupidity. and i'm not the smartest person or anything but some things are just plain easy, and yet people act like ignoramouses (is that how you spell that? is that even a word?)
i really want to mud wrestle right now. that wuold be so insanely fun!! haha yes. it would, really. just messy and insane and so funny.
oo pretty fire!! my candle is going crazy. it's like wooooh and then wshy wshoo! and now it's going pt pt ptputpt. wooaoh. what a pretty candle. i am very easily entertained.
i want to be held. but noone is here to hold me. and i am so off track with God i don't know how much further i can go...
people think they are so bad, and they think i am so good. but it is all in the image they want to be, and not what they are. i wish the masks would fall for once and i could really see what they are like, who they really are, and if they are really as tortured as they say. i want to know what they are like, those who don't even show a mask. they're just there, but who are they? will we ever really know? i feel like i'm one of the few people who actually puts up no guard. i let everyone see all of me. every piece of my personality is shown, except maybe a few things nobody cares about anyway. but why does it seem taht everyone else wears a mask? why must we all hide? we are all human, all the same, why must we continue our game of court? we want to win and so act how everyone wants us to act... where does it lead you?