Mar 27, 2005 17:12
[a]ge: 16
[b]estfriend(that 1 gf you would die without): jaimie
[c]rush: mm pass
[d]ream date: big group date and doing something ridiulous out of the ordinary
[e]xciting adventure: mmm shaving cream brawls or goign to this weird farm for callys birthday and playing paintball with all these scary animals
[f]avorite band:mm simple plan haha
[g]ood friends: monica/cally/diana/kenzie/leah/jordan/dylan/abbye/shea
[h]ottest guy you know: i dont know, thats lame ill try and htink of someone
[i]nterests: soccer,friends,mall,shopping, movies, beach,
[j]ello: jello is kind of weird that way it wiggles
[k]ool aid:<333333
[L]ove: is an adventure
[m]iss: my friends when we are on break, my dad when he is traveling and my iowan grandrentals
[n]ame: Carlyn
[o]utfit you wore to today: well its the last day of spring break so i pretty much in my jammies, still
[p]izza topping: cheese!
[q]uestion most asked: why did you tell?
[r]adio station:95.7, 98.7, or 93.3...
[t]elevision show: PoweRgirls, One Tree Hill, the oc
[u]r favorite song: A moment like this, Number 1 spot
[v]alentine: my bday!
[w]here you live: st. petersburg
[x]yz: xclamation(yay for me) marks=<333
[y]ear born: 1989
[z]odiac sign: aquarius