May 12, 2010 17:19
Your address here!
Dear all,
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** This post is for collecting address for Drugstore Spree, not holding a spree ya? :)
Thank You :)
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The latest update was that I missed the parcel from the postman and was waiting for the re-delivery, items will be mailed today.
I'm having some problems with my hotmail (the layout is weird and it loads very very slowly).
Not sure why some of you didn't receive certain updates either but the items have arrived and in the latest email I said I'll be sending them out today (if you've top-up and given me your address by yesterday).
Please reply to this comment if you haven't been receiving my updates, especially gmail users. Do check your spam folder first though.
It's not that my account is down, it's the either layout not appearing correctly and I get it sometimes. Anyway I'll either drop you guys an email or reply to your LJ comments as you guys should be notified via email when there's LJ comments.
reissee / Jane
death_patrol / Ed Chng
sunjewel / Jiaying
silvercres/Chian Hui
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