Dec 13, 2004 16:37

Update Time, as opposed to hug time, as opposed to ow that hurt!
I've been looking at prices for a one way ticket from Atlanta *but preferably Chattanooga* to Fort Walton Beach and I am unsucessful in finding one that suites me. Flying from Chattavegas to FWB is kill nightmare in prices. Tell me, do they really need 400+ dollars of mine for such purposes? Hmm...I suppose I'll just ahve to console my pocket book by working more. Which I do happen to love work, still. Ah ha! That's almost always a good sign ;)

Reasons for looking for flight? I'm going to Chattanooga! This SUnday *the 19th* to stay with the Rutledges till next Friday *the 24th* Ah, so much fun! I'm sooo thankful that I get to go! So thank ou to my parents, and to Katherine for taking me up there, and to the RUtledges for keeping me while I'm there, and of course to Josh for helping me figure it all out! :)

Things ahve been a bit busy around here, even more so than usual, but I'm liking all the excitement! I took my SATs a few Saturdays ago! I hope my scores come in on time so I can send Samford the results! WOohoo! Oh and I went up to Auburn on...Saturday!! With Brooke :) ANd nick and Brooke's mum! We had a great time, adn I got to see the wondermous Lauren! She's such a SOuthern bell! lol I love it! and I love Lauren!

I hope it snows while I'm up there!!!!
Love ALways,
P.S. GO heck out Josh's website!!! it's http://www.journals.aol.com/freeskate87/freesakte87/
and to do as he did with his question- what is one good idea for a CHristmas present?!
TELl me what youa ll think!!! LOVEEEE!
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