Oct 15, 2008 13:22
OK, seriously I am pretty much back.. (like I said since my last post) It's just for the past few months, I haven't anything to say to y'all and really didn't feel like blogging. Plus, it seems LJ's been dead for awhile, I mean only very few of you update your LJ, so like what's the point you know?
But anyway, I miss blogging and all that, and finding my "virtual" comfort zone when I'm bored. Haha!
Moving on, I am ridiculously obsessed with Twilight, and if you've read my blogs since before, you know how I am with obsession. It comes to pass. ;) The book is well written for a love story + Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen is friggin' perfect! I could not have asked for a better Edward for the movie. I am very much excited for the movie... it's coming out on nov. 21 :> Oh yeah baby. Haha.
Bummer though, I still have my last two exams tomorrow. I love math, no kidding, but I have this huge pressure on me to get a high score on that particular exam, and it just bugs me. :| I already started studying for it since Sunday but it seems, I'm not ready for it.
On a lighter note, a lot of things are going on this week and most likely the next 2 weeks. I'm stoked, even though we have like 5 days of semestral break ahead of us, at least it's still a break and I love breaks! =)
So if y'all are still breathing, please do comment.
P.S. My journal's not locked anymore, for everyone to read. :> Haha.