what I was isn't what I am, I'd change back but I don't know if I can

Feb 02, 2007 20:24

So long time no speak, but I'm actually kinda happy right now. I'm sure in a few weeks I'll be stressed again with school and everything, but right now, Regents week just ended. I got to go to Florida for a week, and I got all tan =D. I just got my cycle 3 schedule and once I dropped Council, it's much better. I now have 2 free periods, and no class to discuss my "interpersonal goals", as soon as the teacher started discussing that, and another student stated that we were all a "family", that was when I got tremendously uncomfortable, it felt like a cult! I don't want to discuss my interpersonal goals & also I would have to go to all these meetings, it was practically a mediation class, which I'm completely not interested in. But I'm really hyped because I am FINALLY on the school newspaper! I'm pretty excited, even though I'm sure it won't be as cool as it is on movies & tv.

SING! is tomorrow, and I'm just happy that it's going to finally be over and I can get my friends back! I'm sorry, but I just don't get the joy behind all the drama, and coming to school when you're technically off for 10 hours! It's insane, and the JuniorSoph theme is baseball?! HUH?! That's a stupid theme, which even the faculty advisor told them, but they refused to change it. And I love that even though I'm not even involved in Sing, because of my friends, I know ALL the stupidity & drama. But whatever, at least Katie's going to come to see the show with me!

I have to go all the way down to the main branch of the library tomorrow to get research for my American project, so I guess that will be when the stress begins.

ETA: Does anyone watch Arrested Development, because I caught some eppys on the plane to and from Florida, and then rented the 1st season, and thought it was hilarious. =D
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