Apr 10, 2007 06:25
Quick early morning update.
I feel sort of over my head, like I don't quite know what to do about things. I leave for Costa Rica on Friday and I've yet to pack which is a little unlike me, I'm not even 100% sure I have everything that I need. And I feel like there are all these assignments right before vacation and its just lame. I feel really tired what seems to be all the time so I get home and do work or maybe I fall asleep and then it's like what next? Packing...not yet. So I dunno. Yesterday I hung out for quite sometime at Boloco with Barry which was AMAZING but I didn't get home until 6ish and then I had girl scouts right away. After girl scouts I came home to do homework and ended up falling asleep for a bit, luckily Erin's phone call woke me up but I was defintinely just not making any sense on the phone in the beginning. But I was awake so then after the chat I was doing homework and I felt tired...in fact I feel tired now.
I feel like I need to make better use of my time in school that could be spent doing homework but I often feel like I can't properly do things without a computer. Things are just a thousand times less efficient when written out on paper, or so it seems.
But I can't exactly use a computer during study or any other class when I'm not doing anything at all. Today I suppose I could just go down to the library seventh period and visit Mr Watson/use a computer...hmm. Because after school I have a financial aid appointment at Wheelock and then its $3 burrito day at Boloco so Barry and I are meeting there to finish filling up our cards and get our hats. :D But then we'll end up hanging out for a while because he's AMAZING and then I'll get home late and I'll be tired (I'm yawning already!) and I don't know. I do have to pack tonight though. Well I guess tonight or tomorrow night...I should just have the opportunity to buy things if I realize I like don't have shampoo or something.
I guess I could say or you could say that the time spent updating at 6am when I should be getting dressed but was up early could have been better spent doing some of the work I'm complanining I have or packing but sometimes you just need to vent. So there. Have a good day at school, not that many people check lj before going to school...well Janet does. So Janet- have a great day at school! And everyone else who if you read this reads this later well I hope school didn't suck.
I wanted to say how proud I am for Janet and Abby for putting together their GSA Teacher Forum on Homophobia at BLS. They're both such stellar girls who clearly care about their fellow students and the future of BLS. Congratulations to them both! (I know other people were also involved, I think Luigi was but we haven't chatted in a while so I'm not sure, so they get top billing.) They make me extreamly proud and I hope everyone realizes what brave kiddos they were to put themselves out there like that. Lots of love to Janet and Abby! :D