is this really happening again....another fight with leslie and carol happen....i really WANT 2 express my intermost feelings right now 2 her, but i don't need to and 2 do something i want 2 do would be selfish... theres just so much i want 2 tell her and so much i always keep 2 myself its just hard 2 keep these kind of things 2 myself and figure
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also its like your saying there is nothing to be guilty about which i think that, but you are saying your guilty so obviously u feel u have a reson to feel guilty
you are right i am trying to hard, anonymous, its because i don't want to lose leslie as a friend so im trying to stop trying so hard now thankyou for making me realize that
leslie i was upset about u helping sara but im over it you have other friends that need help too i have other friends that i can get help from
im confused about this half truth whole truth thing please explain so i can apologize, sometimes when im mad i tell my side of the story which is, yes, usually bias & im not trying to jusitfy what i did because i really have no clue what you are talking about
i do not rely on you 100% leslie although it probably seems that way to you sometimes
straight out, i probably did rely on you a lot before you went out with preston but after you did i was like woa i can't do that anymore because if she did that what else might she do? sorry, thats how i felt, not anymore though, because i love you no matter what
okay..... the reason i did tell you a lot of stuff was it was important stuff and i thought u would pay more attention or something..... like you have been focusing on preston a lot which is understandable beacuse he is your boyfriend and im thought maybe you would notice that im still here if i told you more about what was going on
hmmmm wow that sounds really retarted when i write it out like this
okay about the 27, i realize im the one that planned it then i took on epic without realizing it would interfere with our plans and im sorry for that i was just trying to find a way 4 us 2 still hang out this weekend, but im not mad at all, i am sorry it happened like that
and i dont expect every weekend to be a friends weekend nor do i expect every weekend to be a boyfriend weekend you need both in your life regardless is the friend is me or not
-love always-
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i mean im over every thing now its becoming really annoying and stupid
about saturday i said we had planned it two weeks in advanced and then i said u could come over after the play and i thought we agreed to that then u said u couldn't because u were going to preston's house (so that is why he couldn't do lights 4 epic??????)
that is what i told people im sorry if that bugs you however it is not like you ALWAYS tell everyone the whole truth about incidents too, and that you never make me out to be the bad guy im not naming incidents
leslie you don't have to work to give me attention i would probably give my boyfriend most of my attention if i were you
if u work 2 give me attention it would not be fun 4 us 2 be friends, like how i was working at it and look how we are now we are communicating over live journal, not even through e-mail or aim
and yes i do apologize 4 my reaction about the 27th
and im sorry when i present that im upset to you that it makes u feel guilty, that is not my purpose it is simply 2 let u know
and now i would really like this to stop i think we both feel that way it is becoming ridiculous
if we keep defending both our points of view then this could go on forever so i surrender i give up let just put this in the past where it belongs and be friends again
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