May 01, 2006 15:57
I seem to drift in and out of this space much less frequently these days. Life is just so busy that I struggle just to squeeze in the most basic stuff - like eat, drink, clean teeth etc. Having said that, I still manage to find time to shop, watch an inordinate number of films and make batch after batch of biscuits (or cookies, if you are my American flatmate). I'm thinking it's about time I learned how to prioritise, but then I would miss all the fun of that cold hand of dread and fear that clenches my small intestines when I realise that a deadline hangs like a guillotine above my head and I can't cheat the blade for much longer.
So much, yet so little has happened in my life of late that there seems hardly any point writing about nothing, but since when has that stopped me before? I am in the process of attempting to jump ship to work at the beautiful and splendiforous V & A museum - one of my very favourite places in London. Who knows if my escape bid has been successful? All I really want is a rich nameless sponsor to keep me fed, clothed and educated - but since there seems to be so few of those around I still need to succumb to the evils of work.
Yesterday was brightened considerably by going to the cinema to see Slither. A combination of 2 of my favourite things - shlock horror and Nathan Fillion. I do love a bit of gross splatter, zombie world domination and the rather underrated Mr Fillion. I do completely fancy that man, just like a girl with a teenage crush. Speaking of films and teenage girly crushes, I stayed up till the early hours of the morning just to watch a very young Joaquin Phoenix (still bearing the name Leaf) in Parenthood just to get a fix to calm my other unrelenting actor crush. When I thought back on it afterwards I realised that perhaps it was a little sick to get viewing pleasure from such a young boy. Ah well, that's me - slightly pathetic, a little sick and often misguided.
schoolgirl crushes