Oct 07, 2008 18:31
So I went to the doctors yesterday about my cough I have had for four weeks. The first thing I see in the surgery is a poster saying "Had a cough for four weeks? MAYBE IT'S LUNG CANCER!!! =D". OK, I added in the smilie and exclamation marks for comedic effect but I swear to god the capitalisation is all accurate.
It's a bloody wonderful thing, being able to go see a doctor for free, her to prescribe you medicine and then go down to a chemist to collect it for free (because I am still in education). To be honest, if I lived in America unless I was on health insurance I probably wouldn't have bothered going to the doctors. And if I was on insurance I wouldn't have bothered paying for the drugs. Do you get free drugs on insurance?
Speaking of lucicris political wrecklessness regarding public health, the US election fascinates me more and more everyday. I can't decide if Sarah Palin is a MILF, a VPCILF or a HMILF but I do know that that wink is irresistable. A wink to melt a thousand racist's hearts. I don't really understand who votes for the Republican party, though I guess it must be some sort of loyality system. I know if I lived in a two party system like yours I would almost certainly loyally vote Democrat unless they really cocked up, then I would go with Nader or someone I guess. I stayed up till 2 AM just to listen to the Vice Presedential debate. I love the idea of one of you lot staying up till 2AM to listen to a debate between George Osborne and Harriet Harman =P
I read something interesting that described why in general there has been a trend for political parties in the UK and the US to drift towards the centre. When they started out, the Democratic Party were distinctly left-wing and the Republican distinctly on the right. If you look at this like ice cream sellers on a long stretch of beach with people evenly distributed along it, the Democrats had their van on the left-side of the beach meaning they could attract people from that entire side, and same for the Republicans. If one party moves their ice cream further towards the centre of the beach (the political centre) they will still get all the punters on that extreme side of the beach but they will gain new punters in the centre ground. So the other party have to respond accordingly. Eventually you get both parties almost in the centre, both still attracting the punters from the extreme ends of the beach.
Sorry for the complex political theory, it's pretty boring.
Channel 5 always scam me. They put on these documentaries that are always called something like "Curse of the Titanic: REVEALED". And I always fall for them and end up watching some shitty documentary. That was a crap film. TItanic I mean. Except for the topless and sex scenes, that got me proper riled up when I was a kid. Kate Winslet topless? Get in. Leonardo in a weird old car? Yes please. Gah, I still cried when Leo sank away with his hand in the air. God I am such a queer, crying at Titanic. I also cried when the yellow robot died in Flubber, I bawled for DAYS at that one.
I wish I had someone to play Mao with now. I introduced it to someone at school and it started off a massive craze with daily lunchtime Mao games with spirallingly complex rules, so a few weeks after teaching them the game I couldn't even play with them without being heavily penailised. It's probably the greatest card game ever made, and the most fun I have ever legally had taking advantage of other people.
Women seem to fancy me a lot. Especially Malaysian chicks, they SEE MY HAIR AS GODLY. Damn them for their dirty thoughts. Some women in her mid-20's sat next to me on the bus yesterday after saying "Can I SQUEEEEEZE in with you?" REALLY flirtily. She kept looking at me and fidgiting, I read the newspaper XD When I got off before she did she winked at me through the window and I put my hood up LOL
Enough of this stream of consciousness, Jools Holland is on soon and I hear The Hold Steady are playing. They sound kinda like Springsteen which is always good. I love what Springsteen said about Obama, something like...
"He has the depth, the reflectiveness, and the resilience to be our next President. He speaks to the America I've envisioned in my music for the past 35 years, a generous nation with a citizenry willing to tackle nuanced and complex problems, a country that's interested in its collective destiny and in the potential of its gathered spirit. A place where "...nobody crowds you, and nobody goes it alone."
My stream of consciousness has come to an end. Thankyou for spending half an hour with my thought processes. Goodnight, and good luck.