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Bobby Joe Ebola and Company recently made this song/video. They've made an even newer video, which is about equally as good. They stay pretty busy. But I really, really love this one. It just speaks to me, on... So many levels... So I'm sharing it here tonight cause I'm in just that kind of mood.
Okay times it's been, lately. Finished the end of season 1 of Rome earlier today and it was sad. Cæsar may have been a tyrant but he was such a likeable one as portrayed there, hahahah.
Also the work season has been off to a pleasantly good start this month. Worked horrifically hungover at a familiar show the other day and got paid for another today.
Today as in I write this, the 26th, is the anniversary of Steph's death. No way of sneaking that around me. As far as I understand we're having a gathering at the Landfill later today. I'm sitting here mildly drunk from Ed's house earlier and am listening to Big Country as I often did in the weeks after she died. Not that she likely cared about said music but it was one of the things that carried me through that time and will always remind me of such. Kinda weird how that works out, isn't it?
Anyway, today is the anniversary and that it is. So here is some pics of the person that will never come close to being replaceable...
Upon reviewing this it occurred to me I should point out the top pic was self tattooing, not other things it might look like here.
Sorry if this entry is a little... Wait, this is my journal, I apologize for NOTHING.
"I never felt so low"
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