That's right, I'm playing with Fifteen this New Year's Eve. I never got real huge into them but that should be a big and interesting show.
There was also the lingering possibility of playing another show that night that Sid and Steph were trying to put together but completely fell apart. It started off supposedly being Fang and some other people at Lennon then morphed into being something else at Eli's, and now it's nothing. It was also gonna be a World of Shit reunion, but alas that ain't happening and it's just as well.
This was a long week of trying to stay away during the annual stagehand classes. NOT that they were boring but the fact is I just -CANNOT- ever get to sleep earlier than 1am if I don't have any screaming good sleeping pills handy, and getting up at 5 or 6 in the morning everyday takes it's energy toll on me fast. It got so bad a few times I was buying large cups of coffee from Starfucks during the day (which is something I NEVER do), and STILL nodding off in the middle of classes only minutes after finishing a cup. And then I'd still be unable to get to sleep at a reasonable hour that night. Pretty frustrating.
But at any rate I survived all that and learned a bunch of audio stuff, and even did sound for one of the general session meetings. A little scary at first but it went well. At the end of it all I was evaluated on paper as being a little more proficient in audio and hopefully I'll get more such calls in the future. Besides struggling to stay awake, it was a fun week there as always.
Last Sunday evening I went to turn on Fallout 3 (I've been on my second run-through the last few weeks) and to my horror my PS3 has stopped working. It appears to have what is known as the Yellow Light of Death syndrome. There seems to be some easy fixes demonstrated online but they involve stuff I don't have or have money for and wont' anytime soon, like a heat gun and some kind of compound. Basically it's FUCKED and with now being the end of my work season I'm not gonna be able to do anything about it for at least six months. Good thing I have the laptop now.
And on that note, despite the hundreds of games I have to play between the computer and the PS2, I started suffering rather severe Fallout withdrawals. I decided to download the PC version of New Vegas with all the expansions. I was gonna wait for them to come out on disc on PS3 in a couple months but that's no use now so I decided on trying this. The two versions are almost identical except for one thing: Immediately I was extremely frustrated and PISSED OFF that the PC version MAKES YOU USE KEYBOARD AND MOUSE AND THE FUCKING CONTROLLER DOESN'T WORK. For some reason they have the option to customize game pad controls but in game IT DOESN'T WORK AT ALL. So I played NV for about five minutes on the keyboard and mouse and was already getting carpel tunnel and just had to quit. It pisses me off severely that they CONTINUE to make PC versions of console games like that when there are PC game controllers that are identical to console ones. I tried it again last night and managed to play for a little longer but it's so stupid I don't know how far I'll make it.
Coincidentally I also had to turn Netflix off due to being poor again. The last things I did on the PS3 were watch the Mortal Kombat movie and Enter the Dragon.