Apr 25, 2004 20:00
well... the weekend sucked. I was supposed to go flying on saturday but the clouds were to low so we could takeoff. We tried to kill time by just riding aroung the city but that was just boring. I went to a tides game on saturday night. Even though they suck they still managed to win. Probably because me and some drunk guy were messing with the left fielder from charlotte, but anyway it was kinda uplifting. Then on sunday I drove to look at my future car (VW Cabrio Convertable) just to find out that the transmition is shot, it is rusty, and the interior is torn; not to mention that it was about 8 grand. I know everyone says that they will take what they can get as long as it runs but i look to the future, and I cant see me picking up a girl in my junker car. I might just buy a $50 car so MTV can pimp my ride. So If you could email X to the Z, ixibit and tell him how bad my ride is and how I live in it and that I'm so deppressed with it that I am going to kill myself and his grlfriend. Hopefuly that should get his attention.
Please reply baceause im really bored and I could really use something to read..gracias