Apr 15, 2005 16:30

My moms best friedns becky came over today and told us a very very sad stroy....

Beckys daught brandy is roomign with a few friends. Well her best friend Ryan *a girl*, had just had a baby, and was engaged to some one she loved more tyhan anything.

The baby was haivn problems, is wasn't eating, and if it did the food wouldn't stay down, it cried and would get nose bleeds. They kept taking the baby to the doctor, to see what was wrong, but EVERY SINGLE PIG FACES DOCTOR told her there was nothign wrong, and she was just being a aparanoid first parent!
BUT RYAN knew something was wrong....

She saw 4 differn't doctors, and they all said the same thing to her. NEVER GO TO GENESYS HOSPITAL in GENESSEE COUNTY MICHIGAN!

Well April 13th 2005 in the evening, The babies dad was feeding it * they didn't breast feeed* and it died, at 4 weeks old. It stopped breathing in his arms, so he called for an ambulance and they arrived 2 hours after they got the call. TWEO FUCKEN HOURS... A LITTLE LATE YA THINK.....

The police arrested the dad, said he could have done something to keep it alive.CPR or anything for that matter. So the father is held resposible and is now in jail, when he didn nothign at all.

Ryan, she just lost her infant, and her fiance, and to make matters work, YOUR FUCKEN LAW ENFORCEMENT, won't let them in there house. Saying it was the parents fault and are going out it with a fine comb, and investigating!

Ryan has already attempted suicide 3 times, and it has only been 2 days since all this bullcrap went down. Please keep them in your hearts... Ryan is suffering so much.....

If you read this, thank you..
you do have a heart.. and pass it on maybe!

This angers me so much!
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