cubs suck cubs suck cubs suck cubs suck sorry meg sorry meg i'm really upset i'm really really upset

Oct 05, 2003 23:30

1. what facial feature do you find the most attractive on others? eyes
2. would you vote for a woman candidate for president? sure
3. would you marry for money? i'm probably gonna be miserable anyways
4. have you had braces? diediediediedie
5. do you pluck your eyebrows? yea
6. do you ever cut or hurt yourself? i'm considering it right
7. when was the last time you had a hickey? never but i kinda feel like i did once but maybe i was living life vicariously through emily cause i don't think i ever did
8. could you live without a computer? i would have a damn high phone bill
9. do you use ICQ, AOL buddy list etc..? yeah
11. if you could live in any past time period, which would it be? 20s
12. do you drink enough water? fuck you water
13. do you wear shoes in the house or take them off? i don't like shoes bitch
14. what is your favorite fruit? pretty much any except mangos
15. do you eat brown bread or white? wheat makes me feel healthy
16. what is your favorite place/thing to visit? disney world or a place with a pretty sunset
17. what is the last movie you saw? bend it like beckham? or maybe lotr 2
18. do you kiss on the first date? i don't kiss boys ha
19. are you photogenic? not at all
20. do you dream in color or black and white? color baby word
21. are you wearing fingernail polish? nope that would equate to high maintenance and that is not me
22. do you have any dimples? no but i have dimples vicariously through kelly, even though its just a scar from getting hit by a golf club
23. do you remember being born? no that's messed up find one person that remembers that fucker
24. why do you take surveys? cause i'm very angry right now and it seemed like the thing to do
25. do you drink alcohol? come on people, i was on the webster softball team, i'm an alky
26. did you like school? not really
27. what is the most beautiful language? all languages are stupid, especially if you can't speak them, i think they all sound weird if you don't speak them cause you have no idea what is going on, and i'm not one to be captivated by words, i look more for the meaning behind them
28. when you are asleep do you like being kissed awake? I LIVE IN THE ALL GIRLS DORM IF THAT EVER HAPPENED I'D QUIT SCHOOL CAUSE IT'D BE MAD FUCKED UP
29. Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most? sunsets, the sky is very pretty here
30. do you want to live to be 100? no that would suck ass
32. do you like salty food or sugary food the most? sugar...chocolate wordddd
33. is a flat stomach important to you? i just don't like to be fat
34. do you or have you played with a ouija board? yea we played at softball sleepovers and it was messed up and really scary
35. are you loyal? yes
36. are you tolerant of other people's beliefs? well yes i g uess unless i'm pissed off and dont' agree with them
37. when you watch movies at home,do you like the lights on or off? off, the glow of the television is enough to set the mood..that was bs sorry
39. do you have nightmares frequently? one time i had a dream about this kid in my writing seminar....that was a nightmare....gah i dont' like to think about it
40. do you like your nose? actually i decided today that it gave me character
41. do you like abstract art? i dont' give a fuck about art, i like photography
42. do you think you can draw well? yes, but not super arty well if it really makes a difference what a STUPID QUESTION IHATE THE CUBS DAMMIT I HATE YOU HATE HATE HATE
44. do you like to watch cartoons? no they are stupid
45. at what age did you find out that santa claus wasn't real? the year i saw my parents taking the packages out of the closet, and then every year after that i would try to find them
46. how many pairs of shoes do you have in your closet? here i have about 5 but more at home that need to come here cause i wear sandales in 50 degree weather and freeze so badly
47. do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety? variety is the spice of life buy hey did i mention how THIS IS THE WORST QUIZ EVER I'm going to go kill myself NOt literally though
48. do you write poetry? not after i left hamm's class
49. do you snore? no but i talk and walk in my sleep
50. do you sleep more on your back,front,or sides? anything comfy
51. was dumb and got deleted..something about poodles...I HATE POODLES THEY SHOULD DIE sorry i'm thinking about the cubs
52. do you lick stamps? yes they are delicious KILL ME NOW
53. do you use an electric can opener? no hardcore hand held can opening action for my spaghetti-os
54. have you ridden in a hot air balloon? no but that would be sweet
55. which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? emotional, i'm a cryer yea i jsut cried cause the braves lost I'M really NOT OK RIGHT NOW
57. do you know anyone who is clinically depressed? i'm getting there...
58. do you prefer a piano or a violin? piano is sweet, i wish i could play, in 4th grade my brother played the violin, it was the worst year of my life
59. are you a sex addict? yea....
60. do you know someone who has cancer? yea
61. do you hunt? scavenger hunts were cool til they were way overused at camp
62. do you like fast food joints,or expensive restaurants? expensive, i mean CORNELL DINING WOOOOO
63. would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum? a zoo with hippos, that's all i ask for
64. do you have a middle name? woo yea marie
65. are you basically a happy person? NOT RIGHT NOW FUCK YOU CUBS
66. are you tired? no just very upset and i get to sleep in til 9 tomorrow YEA NO WRITING I HATE THAT CLASS
67. did you drink anything with caffeine in it today? yea partly until it spilled (kelly's fault, not mine)
68. do you floss your teeth every day? no

this was teh worst quiz ever, i'm goign to cut someone/something not myself though, i like me too much, probably going to cut the cubs FUCK YOU CUBS cause you couldn't win a damn game in the regular season DIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIE ok i'm done
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