so kiss me like you did, my heart stopped beating. such a softer sin.

Oct 20, 2005 14:05

I'm off today & I'm happy. On the way to work yesterday I was just sitting in the station texting Loz quite the thing. Then the train came so I went outside & she was fucking out there!! But none of us had even realised that each other were at the station. Pair of fannies. So I had company for my train journey. =) Then at work a woman came up to me with a pure massive horrible black rug/shawl type thing & asked me to "demonstrate how it was worn". I thought she was kidding on, so I laughed. But she wasn't. I didn't actually know how it was supposed to be worn so I just sort of threw it over myself & stood there like a bloody clothes horse. The day kind of flew in which was good & then I thought I WANT TO SEE THE WALLACE & GROMIT MOVIE RIGHT NOW. So I texted Mark & he got his wee arse up there. But I almost got locked in work trying to get changed first. =/ I was starving. We went to KFC. I FUCKING HATE KFC. Every single time I go I'm disappointed. I got the "popcorn chicken meal". Their "meals" are my equivalents to a side order I'm afraid. And their chips are rotten. And KFC is just pish. Sorry to all the big fans. But it is. Then my popcorn chicken got kindly called "tumour balls" & I didn't want it anymore. But the film was gooooood. Even if it was on for like an hour. But it gets you all nostalgic & stuff. =) Wallace is a funny man.♥ I wish he was real.

We're going to TGI's tonight.♥ Even though I have to borrow money off my Mum cause I don't get paid till tomorrow. But it's all okay. We're not going till 7 so I get to have a LAAAZY DAY. Which I fucking deserve. Then I'm working tomorrow & Saturday. Boooo. But off on Sunday which I'm pleased about. But aye there's always something.. I've been put down to work till SIX on Monday. But it's BOWLING FOR SOUP ON MONDAY. Whatamigonnadooo!? Fuck. Oh & I got my DisclosureScotland through. So it's official now; I'm not a paedophile or a rapist. What a revelation eh? And I have it on paper & you all don't. So ha. And now I can go into the primary school when I get round to organising a day, which will be hard. And I'm going to see the All American Rejects agaaaaain.♥ Yus. That was actually one of my favourite gigs. Oh & I'm off on Wednesday so I plan on going into the school that day to give all my shit back & try to track down that Kennedy witch. I will feel like a wee proper adult with my visitor sticker. The day my uni application is sent away is the day I will be over the fucking moon. Because NO MORE dealings with the shit hole.♥ And also I will have my peace of mind back. I heart my new layout. I also hate when I can't get my thoughts into a logical order & I just ramble.

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