
Jul 24, 2004 10:47

haha i stole this from lauren cuz i felt like it!

:x:about you:x:
name:x:: jaclyn
sign:x:: aries
movie watched:x:: a cinderella story
book read:x:: johnny tremain
time you cried:x:: last week
time you brushed your hair:x:: this morning
time you felt love:x:: ...
word said out loud:x:: puleasee
time you were sick:x:: christmaastime
email you wrote:x:: uh..
magazine you read:x:: teen people
song you heard:x:: pieces of me
cd you listened to:x:: my mix
asignment you did:x:: johnny tremain :(
time you were excited:x:: ummm...
time you laughed:x:: ....
person you talked to:x:: lauren
play/concert you saw:x:: christmas carol
person you kissed:x:: ...
person who kissed you:x:: ....
thing you did that you really shouldn't have:x:: uhhhh...
:x:have you ever:x:
drank:x:: yes
done drugs:x:: no
had sex:x:: no
had a sexual experience (doesn't have to be actual sex):x:: uhh no
cried because of someone of the same sex:x:: yea
cried because of someone of the opposite sex:x:: yea
kissed someone of the opposite sex:x:: no
kissed someone of the same sex:x::no
had a huge crush on someone:x:: YEAAA
had a boyfriend:x:: yea
how about a lover:x:: ...
:x:do you:x:
like long surveys:x:: i guess
like surveys at all:x:: ok
like love:x:: yea
eat too much:x:: kinda
:x:are you:x:
a happy person:x:: yes
a nice person:x:: ui guess?
happy with how you look:x:: not really
do you especially like darkness:x:: not especially
do you go to school dances:x:: yes
do you like them:x:: i guess
what do you want to he when you grow up:x::uhh nurse or actress
are vampires very dear to your heart:x:: ???
how about monkeys:x:: ????
do you have pets:x:: yea
brothers:x:: no
sisters:x:: yes
are you parents together:x:: yes
or are they divorced:x:: NOOOOOOOOOO
do you like someone:x:: maybe
do they know:x:: no
do they like you:x:: prob not
will you love them until your dying day:x:: nahh
does love lift you up where you belong:x:: ummm w/e
would you ever kill someone for love:x:: yesss
if you could kill one person who would it be:x:: ne1
do you like reality tv:x:: its ok
would you buy a cd for just one song:x:: yes
could you be lovers? is that a fact:x:: huh
do you know that question 61 62 and 67 are all from moulin rouge:x:: who cares?
do you have a screen name:x:: yea
is it dumb:x:: its ok
do you have friends:x:: yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
have you ever been in love:x:: mayb
:x:fill in the blanks:x:
i love_______:x:: shopping
eat________:x:: food
put your hand_____:x:: on the table
don't_______:x:: go
please____:x:: leave
cheese______:x:: cake is gross
bloody______:x:: mary
roses____:x:: have thorns
do______:x:: that
he is______:x:: my love<33
death is______:x:: bad
kicked off the_______:x:: game
you see i've forgotten______:x:: everything
i really_____:x:: want you
i want_______:x:: you
you can tell all your friends_______:x:: go to hell
it may be quite simple but________:x:: i will always love u
i hope you don't mind_____:x:: im staninding on ur foot
how wonderful life is_______:x:: when ur freeeeee
i love to be______:x:: specialll
juliet is the______:x: sun
its a little_______:x:: uglay
book:x:: ................
movie:x:: cinderella story? (CHADS IN IT<33333)
pet:x:: oreoo
person:x::derekkk jeterrr
color:x:: blue,pink
word:x:: w/e
food:x:: Pizza
drink:x:: iced teaa<33 water n lemonade
band:x:: uhhh
song:x:: pieces of me
lyric:x:: with u i fall so fast
quote:x:: ....
place to be kissed:x:: lips
place to be:x:: with my friendss or sometimes my famm
part of your room:x:: bed
thing in the world:x:: friends n family
:x:either or:x:
france or england:x:: france
life or death:x:: life
t.v. or movie:x:: t.v
pepsi or coke:x:: pepsi
pool or hot tub:x:: i lioek bothhh
girl or boy:x:: boy
india or switzerland:x:: switzerland
america or canada:x:: america
real life or t.v.:x:: real life
best friend:x:: dont really have 1
nicest:x:: ashley n lauren
funniest:x:: alex, toni

wooooooooop wooooooooop
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