Barney/Robin is my most recent obsession and since I don't have a whole lot of HIMYM fans on my flist, I decided to host a friending meme for the Barney/Robin comm.
~About You~ Name: Becca Age: 21 Location: Pennsylvania, but moving to California in September! If I worked at Goliath National Bank, I'd be ______ guy: I Can Get You That... Girl. Missed this week's episode of Chuck? Want to watch Benjamin Button, but can't be bothered to go to the theater? I have a... remedy for that.
Oh, dear God, I would fit in so well at GNB.
~Barney/Robin~ I ship it because they are awesome and adorable and basically perfect. Favourite Barney/Robin moments/quote: Everything in "Murtaugh" because it just shows how utterly compatible they are. (Also, see icon) Other favourite moments/quotes: Barney/Robin: "She's the greatest woman on the planet!" "At what age did you first get your period?" "Hold that thought." "I will." (He'll hold it for an ENTIRE SEASON.) Other: "Ted, this table just told me you're a douche!" That line will never get old. "That's a good point, bear, let's try that!" The saluting. OMG, the saluting. Favourite HIMYM episodes: Benefits, Do I Know You, Slapsgiving, Showdown
~The Rest~ Other fandoms/interests: fandoms: Chuck, The Office (US), Castle, Doctor Who, Ugly Betty, Pushing Daisies (*sob*), Harry Potter interests: photoshopping, photography, knitting & other general crafting, writing Ships: Top: Sarah/Chuck, Doctor/Rose, Castle/Beckett Mild: Betty/Matt, Betty/Daniel, Betty/Gio, Jim/Pam, Dwight/Angela, Ned/Chuck, Ned/Olive, Snape/Hermione, Ron/Hermione, Snape/Lily Journal type (friends locked/public): mostly flocked. In my journal, you normally find .... : mostly fandom and random junk, some real-life. The real life posting will probably increase once I graduate in May and have a life outside of studying!
So I was pretty much going to friend you when I read your GNB response, then I saw that we have a lot of fandoms in common and finally that gif really sealed the deal!
Name: Becca
Age: 21
Location: Pennsylvania, but moving to California in September!
If I worked at Goliath National Bank, I'd be ______ guy: I Can Get You That... Girl. Missed this week's episode of Chuck? Want to watch Benjamin Button, but can't be bothered to go to the theater? I have a... remedy for that.
Oh, dear God, I would fit in so well at GNB.
I ship it because they are awesome and adorable and basically perfect.
Favourite Barney/Robin moments/quote: Everything in "Murtaugh" because it just shows how utterly compatible they are. (Also, see icon)
Other favourite moments/quotes:
Barney/Robin: "She's the greatest woman on the planet!" "At what age did you first get your period?" "Hold that thought." "I will." (He'll hold it for an ENTIRE SEASON.)
Other: "Ted, this table just told me you're a douche!" That line will never get old.
"That's a good point, bear, let's try that!"
The saluting. OMG, the saluting.
Favourite HIMYM episodes: Benefits, Do I Know You, Slapsgiving, Showdown
~The Rest~
Other fandoms/interests: fandoms: Chuck, The Office (US), Castle, Doctor Who, Ugly Betty, Pushing Daisies (*sob*), Harry Potter
interests: photoshopping, photography, knitting & other general crafting, writing
Ships: Top: Sarah/Chuck, Doctor/Rose, Castle/Beckett Mild: Betty/Matt, Betty/Daniel, Betty/Gio, Jim/Pam, Dwight/Angela, Ned/Chuck, Ned/Olive, Snape/Hermione, Ron/Hermione, Snape/Lily
Journal type (friends locked/public): mostly flocked.
In my journal, you normally find .... : mostly fandom and random junk, some real-life. The real life posting will probably increase once I graduate in May and have a life outside of studying!
And finally, anything else?:
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