Sunday Salon: Moving News and a Giveaway Reminder

Dec 14, 2008 11:50

Happy Sunday, fellow Saloners! Hope you're all well, and that those of you in the Northeastern United States are starting to thaw out and get your power back. It's a little drizzly here, which is the most promising bit of weather we've had in weeks (we've been under a cloud of fog since late November).

So it's been a pretty eventful week here at Reading and Ruminations. Last Sunday evening, after my Sunday Salon post, an idle thought turned into something kind of big. In 2009, Reading and Ruminations will have a new home on WordPress. I've been less than satisfied with LiveJournal for my book blog for awhile, and the time has come to make a change. I'd toyed with the idea of making the transition a gradual one, especially since this LJ account has paid amenities that are supposed to last until next December. However, I set up the new account at WordPress last weekend and moved a few things, and realized that it would be too much work to do a year-long transition. So, by the end of the year, all of my posts will be made exclusively at the new Reading and Ruminations.

That's not to say I'll be taking this site down. All existing links to this blog will still work. It just won't see any new content after December 31, 2008. I'd complete the move sooner, but there are some final things that need to be wrapped up here, starting with my Barnes & Noble Gift Card Giveaway. I've already moved my 2009 challenges, as well as my Tuesday Thingers and Booking Through Thursday posts. I've moved a couple reviews, but I think it might be easier to just link to the reviews I made here. The Sunday Salon will probably be the last thing I move.

For those who would like to follow me at WordPress, the link to the new blog is:

In the meantime, a reminder about my giveaway: I am giving away THREE Barnes & Noble gift cards! Completely free! AND, I will be making a donation to charity for every entry made. There are currently 21 entries, which means my donation to Room to Read currently stands at $21. The giveaway is open until next Saturday, and I will announce the winners next Sunday.

Now, for the whole point of these Sunday Salon posts: books! I finished up two books this week: The King's Daughter by Sandra Worth, and Let it Snow, a three story YA collection by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle. I loved The King's Daughter. For me, it was everything that a historical fiction novel should be, and I tell you why here. And I thought that Let it Snow was a sweet, charming collection of stories, and I've reviewed it here. I've finished 46 books so far for the year, and I think I'm going to make my goal of 50 for the year. I'm currently reading two short story collections: Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri and Down to a Sunless Sea by Mathias B. Freese. I'm going to finish reading Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood sometime in the next few days (I've got about 60 pages left), and then it's on to Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates.

Hope you all enjoy the rest of your Sunday. Don't forget to check out the giveaway!

sunday salon

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