Feb 24, 2006 17:56
Well Monday or Tuesday we stayed the night at Jennifer's house...it was a lot of fun she got a puppy its sooo cute! Anyway Karissa and Jennifer ate then we went to blockbuster to rent some movies rented house of wax and the fog.... watched house of wax I'm still not sure if I like that movie lol.... then at like 12:00 or so we went to MC'DS cause Jennifer wanted a milkshake and I didn’t eat so I was really hungry so got some food and stuff then went back to her house and ate...then she talked on the phone to one of her friends then her and Karissa started dancing lol it was funny...then that was kind of the night! Woke up the next day and went and got a little bit of food then she went to try and get a job, then she picked us up and we went to the mall, and then we went to get Freddy, then we all went out to eat...then we went back to the mall gosh I'm never going shopping with Jennifer again lol she takes forever hehe...after that we went to golf land.... after that we went home I think lol...then I think we might have stayed at Jennifer's again but I'm not sure...bottom line is there was only 2 nights out of this week where we stayed at my house or only 1 I'm not sure lol....the night before yesterday was fun we stayed at Jennifer's played with the puppy went to this Wal-Mart by her house saw her "I think boyfriend" got some food for the next day...got up at 8:00 CRAZY HUH?? Made food then her I think boyfriend came over and we all ate...went bowling gosh its not the same going bowling during the day...after bowling went and ate at Applebee’s mmmm it was good...went back to my house hung out there for awhile went and got Freddy gosh I love that kid I mean like we got along really good before but now he is starting to warm up a lot more then before so now me and him get along even better and Karissa and him should just date already I mean they both like each other and they act like they are dating and on top of that they both like a lot of the same things and on top of that me and him get along great so there wouldn’t be any problems but yeah he is awesome....ok so anyway after we got him we came back to the house hung out and stuff then went to see Final Destination 3 I didn’t really like that movie.... they showed EVERYTHING if they didn’t show everything it would have been better and you know they will make another one because of how they ended it...after that movie Jennifer dropped me, Karissa and Freddy off at my house and then we took Freddy home...and that was the night....today not much has happened Jennifer is coming over and then prolly Freddy to I'm not sure about Freddy though hopefully he comes over....well I'm gonna go get ready now so bye bye guys