May 04, 2005 17:23
wow, these last few days have been extremely hard. there's so many things running through my mind, and i'm just not sure what to do. there's so many questions, but yet, no answers.
the funeral was nice and everything was pretty. but my daddy just didn't look like himself cuz of all the make-up and stuff. i just don't remember going through all of that stuff when my mommy died. i guess since i was only like 9, i just didn't really get it, that she was really gone. and now my daddy's gone. and all i can say is why??? i mean, isn't it enough that my mom's already gone? why does my daddy have to be taken away from me too?!?! ....its still like hard to really realize that when i get home from school, my daddy's not gonna be upstairs working on the computer. or he's not gonna be sitting in his recliner, watching his westerns on tv and taking naps. and he won't be there to laugh at me when i say retarded things, or to agree with me when i say i look cute. he won't be here to go to dinner almost every single night.....i'll miss him, and i already DO miss him...
i just wanna say thank you to everyone who came monday night. and i especially wanna say thank you to candice and alli! you guys rode in the car with me for like 5 hours! and that was only one way, so i guess its more like 10 hours total. but thank you to all of my friends, you guys have all been there for me and i love all of you guys to death!
i'm not sure when i'm going back to school....i might go back tomorrow or maybe friday. or maybe not til monday! just not sure about anything right now...
so last night i stayed at candice's house cuz i didnt wanna stay with my stupid sister. and tomorrow, she's going back to her house for good! and she said i could stay with her, but i'm like there's no way in hell i'm staying with you! so i'm not quite sure who i'm staying with for the next 3 weeks....i might stay with candice....but i'm not sure.
but anyways i'm gonna take a shower now, i layed out and tanned today(alli will be so proud) but now i'm all ewwwie! and i think me and brent are gonna hang out tonight(yea)
luv ya