May 17, 2009 00:40
OH MY GOD REHEARSALS EVERY NIGHT AND MEETINGS EVERY DAY, I DON'T KNOW HOW I'M GOING TO SURVIVE THIS COMING WEEK WITHOUT GOING COMPLETELY CRAZY. What if I start losing hair and/or weight in response to stress and I wind up being unable to even fit my as-yet-unbought wedding gown on the night(s) of the Production itself. Note to self: beg Huiqian to bring her sewing kit to the Esplanade or something because I cannot bear the thought of sitting around angsting about walking down the aisle with my alter egos while safety pins dig into my back. And in front of ex-IP teachers, no less, which is something that is actually scaring me to pieces. Seriously, do I really want my one-time History teacher listen to me freak out about sex? (and haha that was a spoiler right there, but whatever, it makes my play sound ~exciting~ so COME WATCH LAH)
p/s: I really hate incompetence in people, more so when it's incompetence coupled with constant questioning when I just take over their pile of mess in my frustration at their inability to just DO THINGS RIGHT. If I'm doing your shit for you, you just keep quiet and let me do it. Yes? Yes? Yes, damnit.
p/p/s: I swear, it's just a bad mood today.
p/p/p/s: But I did come to some rather important realisations that make me quietly content, and rehearsal tonight was good, so maybe waking up this morning was worth it after all :)