Today was alright. It felt like Monday which SUCKED. But it's midweek which is okay. I had gym today and we went to the weight room and used the weights. It's not too bad. I kind of liked it. Umm the highlight of my day was when I looked at my phone during 3rd period (music - I was bored) and I got a lovely text message from James. It made my day. :o) I went through the rest of the day on a pretty good mood. Uhh yeah. Then I got home and I did my homework. I've been online basically after that. Then as I was online I just got into a bad mood. Not too bad, but like kind of upset. I don't know. Laura was being hilarious though so she made me happy. "qhR DLUR!" haha Laura. You're awesome "Mad Dog" haha.
Alright, I'm bored and procrastinating from studying for literature (which by the way Stephen helped me study for so that was awesome :o))
Here's a survey since I'm bored..
Time started: 8:42 pm
Name: Kerry
Nickname: Kerry Berry, Kerryo, Berry
Sex: female
Birthday: December 5th
Sign: Sagittarius
Siblings: Ray-21; Meghan-15
Height: 5'8'
Where do you live: bethpage, ny
Righty or lefty: righty
Who are your closest friends?: laura, diana, sheila, allyson, & kelly
Fingers: how many do i have? ha 10
Breakfast: cereal
Aftershave/Perfume: moonlight dream (i think thats what the name of it is - from bath and body works)
Favorite cartoon character: i dont really have a fave. i guess spongebob i dont know
Have you ever----
Given anyone a bath: nope
Have you ever smoked: nooo
Bungee Jumped: i want to
Parasailed: i want to do this too
Made yourself throw-up: yeah :ox
Gone skinny dipping: nope
Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: yeah haha
Eaten a dog biscuit: i dont think so
Got your tongue stuck to a pole: christmas story!! hahah nahh never did
Loved someone so much it made you cry? kind of about to :o(
Played truth or dare: yeah but i dont like to too much
Been in a physical fight: nope
Been in a police car: nahh
Been in a sauna: nope
Been in a hot tub: yessss.. awesome
Swam in the ocean: my life in the summer<3
Fallen asleep in school: almost i think.
Ran away?: nope
Broken someone's heart: i don't know. maybe.
Cried when someone died: yes. :o(
Flashed someone: noo
Cried in school: i used to
Fell off your chair: yeahhh
Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: noo
Saved MSN / AOL / AIM conversations: yeahh
Saved e-mails: yeahh
Fallen for your best friend?: nope
Been cheated on? no
First thing that comes to mind---
Red: cherries
Blue: ocean
Autumn: leaves
Cow: horns
Greenland: ice
Cat: Margie hahah
Nickel: cheap
Elbow: funny bone
What is.. -----------?
Your good luck charm: my lucky number 4 (whenever i wear it for bball i guess)
Whats your room like: baby blue.. with a really cool shag rug :o)
Last thing you said: goodnight (to my mom)
What is beside you: tredmill, lit text book & notebook, cell, water bottle
What kind of shampoo do you use?: loreal vive
Something that has happened to you this year: a lot of things. read the journal haha
Ever had chicken pox: yeah when i was like 1
Had a Sore Throat: yeah i hate those
Believe in love at first sight?: kind of.
Like picnics: YEAH.. good times on martha haha
Like school: only for the friends.. and some of the teachers are cool
What schools have you attended: la salle regional, kellenberg
Loved anyone: yeahh
Would you--
Eat a live hamster: EW no
Go to a hanson concert: not recently.. i would have gone when i liked them
Kill someone you didn't know for 15 billion dollars: no because thats horrible
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: everyone that meant so much to me my whole life
Who Was the last person....
you touched?: my sister?
You massaged: nothing lol
You Kissed?: my dad
You yelled at: mom?
Who broke your heart: eh i dont know. :o(
Who told you they loved you: hmm james maybe? the text message said "i <3 kerry" haha
Who is your loudest friend: everyoneee<33
Do you/Are You--
Do you like filling these out: sometimes
Do you wear contacts or glasses: nope
Do you like yourself: sometimes
Do you get along with your family: yupp
Do you do drugs: nooooo
Have piercing below the waist?: nope
Obsessive?: sometimes?
Anorexic?: hahah nooo
Depressed?: sometimes.. as of right now kind of.
Suicidal?: definitely not.
Final questions--
What are you listening to right now: panic! at the disco
Can you do a front or back flip? yes..into the pool or on a trampoline
What did you do yesterday: played DDR in my room.. being bored as ever.
What is/are your favorite band(s): yellowcard, all american rejects, motion city soundtrack
Hated someone in your family: not really
Got any awards: surelyy
Have you ever gone streaking? no haha
Want to get married: yess definitely
What is your favorite video game?: DDR!! yeahh mann thats cool haha.. i also love any mario games.. and sonic is awesome<3
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change: a couple of things.
Good Singer: hell noo haha
Have a lava lamp: yeahh! a blue one!
How many remote controls are in your house: kind of a lot lol
Are you double jointed: i think in my thumb? haha i dont know.
What do you dream about: a bunch of stuff. - ppl i love, school, life in general.
Last time you showered: last night.
The last movie you saw at the theatres: Waiting .. with Laura, James, Dan, and Richie haha interesting movie.
Scary or happy movies: BOTH.. i love scary movies
Root beer or Dr. Pepper: dr. pepper
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: hmm jell-o lol
Silver or Gold: both
Sunset or Sunrise: sunset<3
Phone or in person: in personn
Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: i'm the middle childdd
Do you want your friends to fill this out and send it back?: if they want to. put it in the comments.
end time 8:58 pm
♥ kerry