[Backdated to Saturday]

Mar 26, 2010 23:29

Sound file recorded by Duel Disk registered to Y. Fudo on 3/20/2010

Desdemona: Yuusei-kun and Suguru-kun...To what do I owe the presence of both of you?"
Suguru: *muttering sounds* Sure not bothered, are you... *they raise their voice* I'll just cut to the point then: Just what are you trying to pull here?
Desdemona: "Right now? I'm just out for a nice walk in the park. It's quite ambient here at night, don't you think?"
Yuusei: "Don't play games with us! Why did you manipulate Aki?!"
Desdemona: "...I see. Are the two of you out for revenge against me, then?"
Suguru: Revenge? I don't care about "revenge" or any crap like that. If something screwy is happening, then that's what I'm focused on, here. So I ask again: Just what are you trying to pull here? Why'd you manipulate that Aki girl? Why'd you lie about even seeing her?!
Desdemona: I just made sure Aki confronted her fears - fears brought on by your accusations, I believe, Suguru-kun.
Suguru:I never actually made accusations. I suspected them, but I never confronted them about it, and the first time I even got to see them was right after they were going and attacking Isabel! So don't you dare try to say that it's my fault that you went and made her "confront her fears"-- if you're the one who does it anyway, then it's your own damn fault!
Yuusei: It was what you told Isabel to do that gave Aki those fears in the first place! Everything that's been done here traces right back to you!
Desdemona: "....I see...you two aren't going to listen to what I have to say then." Her Duel Disk activates. "Alright then - how about this...defeat me, and I'll tell you everything. I'll even go along with you to the authorities if you wish."
Suguru: ...You know, that'd be a good offer, if it weren't for the fact that you've said a bunch of times already that you'd "turn yourself in". I'm not buying it anymore that you'll come quietly if we win. *there's the sound of the disk activating* But if it takes beating you in a duel to get anywhere, then I'm all for it.
Yuusei: His disk activates. "Suguru, I hope you don't mind, but I'm dueling too."
Suguru: Mind? I don't mind at all.
End of recording.
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