Alone again

Jun 22, 2006 14:41

((Continued from Here))

"They grow up so fast, El." One hand goes to his face as the other waves the already departed Murdoc off.
"Fly away, little one. Fly away."

He walks back to the bedroom.
"That's it. Now I have to join some kind of pottery class to ease my Leaving the Nest Syndrome."

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fake_cherry June 23 2006, 02:20:56 UTC
Tabby knocks on the door. She really isn't looking forward to this.

In her hands, she has a jar of very expensive gun oil, which she figures Sands probably goes through pretty quickly. There's also a few wacky belt buckles, and a plush Miss Piggy in a french maid's uniform just the right size to cuddle with. It also has a hole in the back just the right size to hide a gun in.

Tabby doesn't intend to tell him that it was originally made to hide sex toys in. She figures he can use it as another place to hide a weapon.

Or maybe a sex toy. She really wouldn't know.

She shifts around nervously while waiting for someone to answer.


shooting_blind June 23 2006, 02:26:34 UTC
It takes a while for him to get to the door. He's trying to bend El to his will at the moment. But finally he does, grabbing a gun on his way out of the room.
Sands leans his head against the door, his gun out and at his side. In a high and mock feminine voice he calls out.
"Whooo is it?"


fake_cherry June 23 2006, 02:30:58 UTC
Tabby's hearing is a lot better than a human's, and she knows it's Sands. Even so, she is impressed; he does a hell of a falsetto.

"It's me. Tabby. I brought presents. I'm alone. Bad time?"


shooting_blind June 23 2006, 02:33:16 UTC
Sands believes her and opens the door, putting the safety back on his gun.
"It's never a bad time for presents. Especially since you missed my birthday. Now gimme."
He purses his lips, hinting at what his present should be.


fake_cherry June 23 2006, 02:45:25 UTC
Tabby doesn't miss a beat: she stands up on her tip-toes and plants a chaste kiss on him. It's very short, and clearly not an invitation for anything else. "There you go, smartass. That can be your birthday present. The rest is sort of... an apology."

She walks in and waves shyly at El, then hands the other presents to Sands one by one so he can examine them while she talks. "I don't know if you heard or not, but I left Jimmy. Well, Adrian and I both did. There was a lot going on that I didn't know about. Including. You know." She doesn't want to mention it in front of El. "Well, suffice it to say, I had no idea, and I'm actually sort of pissed at you for lying to me, because now I feel like an ass for being so bitchy to you and making such a big deal out of having to forgive you when I really shouldn't have. So I brought you prezzies. I'm sorry. You ass." Her voice gets serious. "If I had known, I would have left him on the spot."


shooting_blind June 23 2006, 03:00:44 UTC
Sands is way more interested in his gifts then trying to mack on Tabby, especially with El in the room. But his enthusiam leaves as soon as she mentions Jimmy. Not that anyone could tell by his body language. He grins down at the Miss Piggy. It takes him a while to figure out what outfit she's wearing and then he finds the hiding place. Nifty! Sands sticks his gun inside of it and tucks it under his arm and he listens to her and take the belt buckles. The gun oil he opens and smells, interrupting her.
"Ummm. Jam, just like mother made it. Thanks, honey."

"The Voice told me. And I have no idea what you mean. But if I lied to you it was because what happened to me is no ones business. You have no right to be 'pissed' at me for that. You knew what he was. And if not, that wasn't my problem ( ... )


el_maraichi June 23 2006, 03:07:59 UTC
El rolls his eyes at being calles a 'secretary'. His job description gets more interesting by the day.
"Yes, they're very nice."

He nods a greeting to Tabby, but he's a bit distracted by the vagaries of the conversation.
"Now, what is all of this about?" He looks down at Sands, standing behind the man.
"What happened to you?"
Sands may have said that it was no one's business, but El doesn't miss much and if something happened to Sands, then he wasn't doing his job.


fake_cherry June 23 2006, 03:10:39 UTC
"Yes, jam. Just make sure you put it on toast." Then, because she's not evil, she continues. "You do know that's gun oil, right?"

Tabby looks very taken aback, not that Sands can tell. She wasn't trying to blame him, she was just stammering her way through an apology. Having him throw it in her face that she knew what Jimmy was is actually surprisingly hurtful. Especially considering that Sands was one of the people going out of his way to make sure Tabby actually didn't know what Jimmy was. She has no idea what to say, so she decides to drop it.

"Uh. Hi El, I'm Tabby."


shooting_blind June 23 2006, 03:22:07 UTC
Sands' head cocks toward El's voice, like a radar dish. He leans on the taller man, the back of his head coming to El's shoulder.
"Long time ago. I had to preform a few tricks to get out of a dangerous situation is all. I'll tell you later."
He probably wont.

Sands didn't tell her because he was ashamed. Protecting her marriage had nothing to do with it. The way she apologized seemed accusing and pushed all the wrong buttons. He still acts as though he's thrilled with everything.

"Thanks for the gifts, Tabitha. You missed the giant black cock at my birthday. Shaped like a cake. I have a gift for you as well. It's in the freezer."
This is just to amuse him. He wont tell Tabby what he's been doing because he doesn't want El to find out.


el_maraichi June 23 2006, 03:26:31 UTC
"Pleased to meet you, Tabby."

Whether or not Sands plans to tell the mariachi the rest of the story later, El will be asking about it. Something about this doesn't sit right.
"Yes. You will."
After that, he bites his tongue. This is between Sands and Tabitha, clearly.

And now he has to wonder what Sands has been keeping in the freezer for this woman.


fake_cherry June 23 2006, 03:30:00 UTC
Tabby winces at Sands' description of what happened, but she covers her face so El doesn't see.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, I'm sure."

"You're welcome. Sorry to have missed a giant cock. I'm sure you enjoyed eating it, though." She tries for a joking, sarcastic tone there and almost makes it. "No offense, but I don't think I want anything from your freezer. I can smell it from here, I think you've got a bad piece of meat in there. Be careful about eating it. It could be something else, though. Maybe it's just me." She doesn't want to seem critical.


shooting_blind June 23 2006, 03:33:13 UTC
Sands thought her joke was funny anyway.
"Mostly I enjoyed offering it to everyone else. Jack and I had the coconut cake instead."

"Bad pork." *smirk*


fake_cherry June 23 2006, 03:39:15 UTC
She makes a surprised noise when he says Jack ate coconut cake. "Really. I'd have figured him for an 'eat the cock' type."

She's confused. "Uh yeah. Maybe. So, how's it been going?"


shooting_blind June 23 2006, 03:43:08 UTC
"Oh. Another Jack. The one your thinking of wasn't there this year. This one hasn't eaten any cock that I know of but I live on hope alone." He leans back, bumping El so the man knows he's kidding.

"Great! I'm on the run again. Walking hurricane is making problems for me again. So we're leaving. Where she can't go."


el_maraichi June 23 2006, 03:47:36 UTC
Forcing himself to be quiet right now is harder than he'd ever imagined. This must be what it's like for Sands on the rare occasions when the man is forced to shut up for more than a minute.
El accepts that Sands is joking, but knows how important Jack is to him. He wouldn't be bothering with a second one if it wasn't the case.


fake_cherry June 23 2006, 03:51:48 UTC
Tabby doesn't especially like the news that there's another Jack around, but she's not going to let herself worry about that right now.

"Hurricane? Oh, you're leaving again? That's a pity. Are you coming back? Where can't she go? Mexico again?"


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