Current Schedule // Availability

Oct 12, 2007 01:17

Last updated 20 May, 2008

Time Zone: EST~ though with my sleep schedule as messed up as it is, I tend to be awake anywhere from 10am-4am EST)

If I'm on IRC without any sort of status message, assume I'm available for play. If you want me for something, poke me, and if for some reason I'm not up to play (overtired, distracted, what have you) I'll always at least drop a placeholder ♥

I HAVE A JOB AGAIN! \o/ I'll have the world's most messed up schedule for awhile while they're training me, but I'll hopefully eventually have a set schedule, but... lol part time jobs. IF YOU WANT TO PLAN TO DO SOMETHING WITH ME, LET ME KNOW A WHILE IN ADVANCE AND I WILL LET YOU KNOW WHEN I AM FREE.
Also I sleep far less than I should, so I'm generally available at night ♥

If I'm ever not around for something you really want one of my characters to tag into, drop me an email or IM, and I'll be more than happy to thread forever. TH-THAT SAID, I rarely tag into posts that are more than a day old unless I'm asked to.

important stuffs

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