Updated player info meme

Aug 01, 2007 21:01

Me: Rachel/rachia
I play: Io (abusive_beauty) and JJ (shootin_blanks)

Available on: IRC in the evening (I'm usually as JJ), and GChat pretty much all the time (under rachia at gmail). Also occasionally on Skype as volatilesushi.
Failing contact on any of those, a number of players have my phone number. So if I suddenly disappear off the face of the internets or something, there's a lot of people who know how to get in touch with me.

Timezone/Language: Eastern Standard/English

Playing Experience: With a few exceptions, I probably won't jump you unless you ask me to first, but alwaysalwaysalways feel free to jump me! Especially if you're one of those people who, when we talk OOCly, we're always saying "hay we should thread moar" ♥
I'm also always up for planning stupid hijinks, too, so just PM me or poke me on Gchat~♥

And I've only gotten a little better at remembering to pick up threads that I've had to drop for sleep or other equally unimportant reasons, so if I've dropped a thread that you particularly wanted to continue, just kick me in the head or something, and I'll be more than happy to continue it for as long as is neccessary.

Audience: None of you married JJ and I'm still sad about that. D: AUDIENCE COME BUG ME ANYTIME ILU ♥♥♥

Goals: Right now, not getting to the point where I feel like I'm going to drop Io is a big goal. Getting her out more, keeping myself happy with the way I play her, and actually making some lasting relationships with other characters is the biggest goal I have right now.

Betaing: I will always always always beta for new canonmates. I also try and keep an eye on the beta posts for other canons I know, but if you've heard me fangirling a series, FEEL FREE TO HIT ME UP FOR A BETA. Even last minute betas are fine~

AUs: Yes plz. Even comedic "oh god why would you guys write that" sort of AUs are good by me.

Pimping: Akiha's already got all of HanaKimi pimped, and as far as Fake pimping, I've only got a few volumes on my computer, so you're better off bugging Dee. I've got a decent collection of other peoples canons, though, if anyone wants help pimping something.
And as far as pimping to me: I am an easily enabled whore (this is not news) so if you throw your canon at me in an easily accessible form, I'll watch/read/play it eventually ♥

Other: ...See above for "easily enabled whore". It's pretty easy to get me to do fairly reasonable where by reasonable i usually mean ridiculous stuff, so just ask or enable if you wanna do something cracky with my characters, wanna see me photoshop something terrifying, or make an ass of myself on the internet!

Also, I have this obnoxious tendency to flake and forget to do things I've planned, so right along with the getting me to pick up dropped threads: just kick me via IRC/Email/GChat, and I'm more than happy to actually follow through with things I've said |D

...anything else I oughta put here?

meme, player info

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