One thing I love about humid summers is they create beautiful thunder storms. But my favourite part is the sky after it has been torn apart by thunder and lightning. (Jeeze, I think I over processed this photo.)
Summer is almost over and I'm just too excited for school to start. But I have so many things to do !
Head up to the cottage this weekend.
Design and order frosh tshirts.
Design and print frosh handbooks.
Start packing for residence.
Print some photos for decoration of rez-room.
Go to the Metro Zoo.
Call Indigo and find out WTF is going on.
If all else fails, get a job somewhere else.
A photo shoot with Katharine Watson.
Email Lindsay a few summer photos.
Call Professor Katz and set up a few placements.
Practice like a mofo, I have placement auditions just before frosh week. But I've been too busy with frosh to even play my saxophone.
Sigh, 11 days left to do everything, there's not enough time left until the end of summer.