Apr 18, 2006 20:07
yeah so today i witnessed a big, long eerie fire across the bay of tanner park. there was smoke, alot...so me and my dad drove down there and there was a huge firewall...there were no boats there yet, then finaly some came. helicopters were there, looked like News12...the fire kept going out, like someone was just turning it off. then fire just kept popping up whe it seemed gone, and it grew. it consumed basically everything...the smoke with unbelievable, sooo big and dark. a man was there and said "i saw the smoke all the way from hicksville" i was like .wow. everyone is like dying on holy week and after. the middle school girl got shot and killed (rip) that car blew up, now this. wtf? idk but i want to know who or what started this. it was probably some teens, because there is nothing there. just, brush...so they probably dropped a match in there for fun, or accident. because nothing else could have started that. there was alot of animals living there too. :( sad