My Friends

May 13, 2005 04:49

Hello Everyone,
It is late and i am tired. The bed will soon entice me. But first I have some random thoughts about pretty much nothing. Next year I leave the dorms. Things will once again change. Differences. People I see on a regular basis I will possibly never see again. This good and this bad. Really really bad. Never in my life have I ever been more confident about myself than in the last two years living in the dorms and it is mainly because of the people I am here with. You guys rock. And i will miss you dearly. My Wausau driving ass will hopefully see you all occasionally and maybe even more than that. The problem lies here. I miss certain people already. It is going to suck to have relationships ending for no particular reason other than "hey man, I haven't seen u in forever." I have learned many things from a many good people and my best advice after all of this still remains my own. TAKE RISKS! If there is anything that I somewhat regret it is not doing something because i was afraid of the repercussions and THAT IS WRONG! (Unless of course you are afraid to rob a 7/11 with a candy bar because you saw it in a movie once AND thought it was a good idea but figured you could never pull it off; THAT is just common sense) I know anyone reading this understands what I mean. If there is something that you desire achieve it. I never want to say if only. And yet i know that within my lifetime there will be many times when I think go for it man. Think it over and over again. And evenmtually think about it so much that I convince myself since I thought about it enough I know I could have done it so now I don't have to. What kind of fucked up bullshit am I feeding myself there!?!?!? It is inevitable. And oh I want to write more but Oh how I am tired. I hope that this short ramble made alittle sense and if not I apoligize for wastiung everyones time.

P.S. I briefly touched on this. Guys if we end up losing touch (which some of us already have)I wish you all the best in all of your life endeavors. i am a simple man with huge aspirations which I will never achieve but always hope for. I envy the man who can sit back enjoy his life for what it is worth and take in all the simplicities of life (to an extent) But that bed has enticed me long enough because it is empty and oh how i love an empty bed!!!!
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