One final down....only 4 finals, a takehome one, and a reading journal to go. so yeah umm not even CLOSE. and i think i kinda fucked up a little on today's final. which sucks cause it's my fave prof ever and it would suck if the only b i ever got in her classes was on my final. boo. but i got an a+ on my paper so yay.
and here, just for kicks because these are funny things. humor more art history nerdom please.
i really just want to be their friends even though they're obviously annoying tourists. but seriously, it's awesome.
and just for kicks...because everyone needs a break between scathing amounts of index cards (and because it is scarily true)...
How to make a Sam
3 parts competetiveness
5 parts ambition
3 parts energy
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add wisdom to taste! Do not overindulge!
Personality cocktailFrom