Jan 01, 2010 22:30
I have learned something from every person I've loved. In the grand scheme of things this means everyone. My friends, my family, my idols. On a deeper level it means all the lovers I have loved. It has not been many. It has not been easy. It's been incomprehensibly wonderful and inexplicably painful. I do not regret a minute spent with any of these people. I am not ashamed of my actions or the person I was at any time, at any age, with anyone. I've loved completely, I've loved selflessly, and I have loved selfishly. I've hurt others as they've hurt me. I've been imperfect, I've been careless, I've been ugly. I've been passionate, I've been crazy, I've been beautiful. I've watched myself evolve from these relationships. I've hit my lowest low and my highest high. All I can hope is that the people I've loved know that I did the best I could when I could, which in fact, may not have been very good at all. I suppose that is the point. I look back on certain times in my life and almost don't recognize myself... but it was me. Just not quite as good as the me I am now. The me that only became better because of the mistakes I've made. Never doubt that I made those mistakes wholeheartedly and with the best of intentions. I carry on with memories, feelings, pictures, things no one can ever take away from me. These people are little pieces of me now and always. Symbols of the lessons I've learned, markers in the early chapters of my life.
I have learned something from every person I've loved.
Therefore, I live without regret.