Dec 18, 2005 11:23
Woooooooooo. I am officially done with school. i would go home today, but i have a math test tomorrow. paradoxical, yes. i guess i'm not really done, but i might as well be, because the only final i have left to take is calculus, which ive already had, and is mandatory pass/fail. boy do i love pass/fail. so, i could take it now, stoned, and pass. but, i guess i'll study some later today or tomorrow. but after the 2-5 exam, which i'll probably leave at 330, i go home!!! to long island. kiki went back to westchester last monday, but since he's bored, he volunteered to drive here, pick me up, and take me home. all of which is incredibly amazing, because it means no expensive train ticket, i can actually take a legitimate amount of stuff home for the break, and it'll be a helluva lot more comfortable and fun. but that is tomorrow, and i still have today and a test tomorrow. Oh! but my chem exam was yesterday at 2, that's why i say i'm "done". it was a good test. although the guy has been a terrible teacher, has made ridiculously hard problem sets, and even harder tests, expecting us to be a lot smarter than the class averages of 64 and 54 on the two midterms showed, he made a really fair final. it was hard yes, but it was solveable if you really knew the material. i thought i did really well, felt good coming out of it, but then realized i made a couple of small and big mistakes when going over it with my roomate, but i still think i got decently above the class average, which was all i needed to do to retain my grade. so it was over, chem 33, after four months of hell. but, as much as i love being finished with this semester, all i can think about how hard spring will be--and the rest of college for that matter.
But last night i partied, so it was all good. a bunch of us went out to dinner to celebrate the past semester, since my room mate is leaving today. we all got wine and made toasts, mine being, "to the semester passed and the journey ahead"...poetic i thought. but it was fun, and a good meal. nice way to kick off the night, although not much ever happened, since most kids are already gone. after that alex threw a power hour and 20, and that lasted a solid 80 minutes, but it was chill and much calmer than the power hour before it. we all went down to the chamber of secrets and sparked a b after that. chameber of secrets = through a hatch door in the floor of the hallway that leads to a monstrous maze underneath our building. then we all headed to mike tulane's house. it was the last time i'll ever see that kid, and it's a damn shame. he was one of the tulane displacement kids from katrina, and he has to go back. that's something i dont' understand. the school has to know its fuckiing over all of these kids. i mean yes, they have to get back on the grind, but they cancelled a whole bunch of majors and classses because they dont have the teachers to teach em, i'm sure their facilities arent up tot par. fuck, the whole entire city is a disaster, a lot of areas without clean water still. with all the universities resuming, that's about a 50,000 increase in population, probably more with all the employees that work for the universities. hm, so there are two sides i guess. stimulate the economy and life in new orleans, but do it at the expense of the students. we shall see what it works out to in the future i guess. i'll keep it touch with mike tulane.
i think waiting for the grade is worse than actually taking the test.