So, I've been stuck in a writing rut. I have had absolutely no inclination to write in almost half a year--that's basically a record for me. I wanted to write around Christmas time and New Years, but that was because I needed to vent my stress from my job. Stress REALLY makes me want to write, because to me, writing is cathartic--it's good for me to do so, and when I don't I'm absolutely batshit crazy.
After reading as many books as I have this summer, nothing's sparked my interest in writing. Nothing, until Breaking Dawn.
Yes, a billion people hated it. In fact, a huge number of people hate the series itself. I loved it. But I digress. The reason it sparked my interest was because--spoiler alert--it was written in another perspective other than Bella's for a little while. And those few chapters were absolutely... refreshing? I'm not sure how to describe how nice it was to read something that wasn't female POV--not since Harry Potter. Most others are written in a way that I can't seem to really, truly, get into the characters. Well, I did read Fahrenheit 451 this summer, and I did find myself enthralled in Montage's life struggles, but that was after several chapters of my dallying around, not really soaking in the storyline.
Anyhow, I decided to play around with Edward Cullen. I felt that I knew him pretty well--his cadence, how he sees things as black and white, and perhaps the feelings he experienced. He is very close to how I am, actually; I see myself in Edward a lot, which is probably not a good thing.
I wrote a one-shot from Edward's perspective. I was hoping that I could have just a couple people on here read it and tell me what they thought. Have I gotten my mojo back? Is it a shoddy piece of shit that needs to be thrown in the dumpster then put on fire? Is it possible for me to write from a male's perspective?
Anyhow, if I could gain any insightful, constructive feedback, I'd totally appreciate it. Love you all!
EDIT There are absolutely NO SPOILERS in my fanfiction, not if you've got half and idea what the storyline's about. It is written in a time BEFORE Twilight as a "what if?" piece. If you want to know the question I was asking (and then answering through the story), scroll to the bottom of the fanfiction.