Apr 09, 2005 11:40
I tell ya, after last night, an update is in order.
Went to the soccer game, only to watch my favorite player Kelli Jo and the rest of the team win. Had great convos in the stands (I <3 Skonkol) and played a little bit of, uh, soccer, that turned into keep away. Fun. Also experienced an earth shattering announcement ;) Went to kelseys. Watched Closer... horrible movie. Got beat in pool 2 out of 3 times by McD. Had an interesting time getting kellis backpack...
Reffed this morning with leeno. Made $21. Went to lunch with her. Spent $5. here i sit.
Now im just waitin for a call from NCC to go over and be crew-ish. then back home to hopefully nap before the lock-in. Yay.
I <3 you Ash... it'll all be ok, i promise.