(no subject)

Oct 23, 2004 14:23

hmmm... I wonder what I shall do this Halloween!? (*snort, snicker* as if there was any question...) Okay, I will do what I always do because I'm pathetic and have no friends...

I will:

* Watch Sleepy Hollow (tradition, folks!)
* Wait anxiously by the door in the vain hopes that a few kids will pass by and I can give them candy. Although not many do. *sigh*
* Attempt to not eat the candy, fail miserably, and gain 10 pounds all in one destructive night. I'd give my left arm for a halloween cookie... *sob*
* I might rent a scary movie, but they aren't ever very fun to watch by yourself.
* Oh, hey. It's on Sunday night, isn't it? I might do some studying too...

Anyway, that's my Halloween night at a glance. I might buy a costume and dress up just for the fun of it. My cat will think I'm retarded, though (and he'll probably be right).
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