What up, SH.

Nov 10, 2011 15:29

Hi, SH. You can't really say I'm new, as I've played here quite a few times in the past. But I'm pretty sure that there are a bunch of you that I have yet to meet, so hi! My name is Sam (for those of you who remember, I played Marta Lualdi (swallow_waltz) for a while many moons ago and had a brief stint as N Harmonia (opqrstuv) before disappearing into obscurity), and I'm bringing you Dave Strider from the webcomic Homestuck. He's canonically referred to as an insufferable prick, but he's a charming insufferable prick, and I suppose that makes it excusable. Or something.

He's a Muggleborn in his third year at Gryffindor, making him a tender babby. I'd say "be gentle" but somehow the thought of anyone taking care around a callous asshole like Dave is downright laughable. If you need to reach me, my AIM sn is warm this blood and my plurk handle is spah. It's good to be back, thank you for having me, and I look forward to playing with all of you. :)

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