
Aug 26, 2011 20:39

So... this is probably gonna be a surprise for some of you, and not so much for others, but now that I've made his final post, I guess it's finally time to announce that I'm dropping Alfred.

I've played him here for a loooooong time, and I've loved every minute of it, but now that he's graduated, I think it's finally time to let go.

ICly, he's still going to fail his auror exam (he doesn't get off that easy just because I'm dropping him), but he'll be taking up a low-level Ministry desk job while he studies up for his next chance. But of course he'll still find time to come to every quidditch game!

And don't worry guys: I've already started on an application for his replacement. Just in case you thought there wouldn't be enough loud obnoxious blondes running around Hogwarts this year.


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