It feels like I just got back. But I've gotta leave againnnnn.
I've got some school bluh to take care of the following week and then on Saturday I'll be boarding a plan to San Diegooo \8D/!
Speaking of which, does anyone know any fun sites to go and visit? I'm pretty sure my mom and aunts would love to know. They sure do love sight seeing ._.; I think I'm going whale watching? If that's even the right term? I don't even...
I'm also not entirely sure which day I'll be back either. 8|a I have a feeling it's Friday? If not then, I'll most definitely be back on Saturday!
This affects
godcomplex7 God mode rights go to them Gryffindooors and frannss. But don't do anythin' funny by making him proclaim his love for the number eight.
oh right! Any of the on-going tags I have I'll get to as fast as I can before I leave~