Ret us talk about the present condition

May 01, 2006 12:44

Just got my research proposal approved by the HOS, now he's sent it to Liz Bond.


For those who do not know (actually I can't remember if I've already posted about this or not) there was a fair bit of teeth-gnashing during the writing of this. This is for the following reasons:

1) I only found out I had to do it by today AFTER I got back
2) This left me 4 days with my lecturer to sort out every little detail of my entire thesis
3) She managed to see me twice for 10 mins
4) She was utterly unhelpful with the writing of it and answered all my questions with "I dunno" or "Haven't the foggiest"
5) I discovered that the person we had been talking about Co-Supervising me continually since last year DIDN'T EVEN KNOW I EXISTED YET (she'd said months ago that she'd contact him about me) and I couldn't get anything done until I had a co-supervisor.
6) I went to see my Co-Supervisor (thankfully he's happy to have me, albeit last mintute!) and discovered that the topic I have set could be a lifetime's work for just ONE of the four sections I was going to cover. Subesequently, I was advised to severely narrow it down
7) an hour before my lecturer had to leave for the USA I got 10 mins with her to sign stuff and ask what the hell I should do. She emailed me some stuff containing what it would be (not telling me then) and again couldn't answer my qu's on how to write a proposal. I'd just discovered Silvie's was 15 pages and I was freaking.
8) HOWEVER by this stage I had a considerably narrower topic and a little advice from my co-supervisor on how to word stuff. (he'd only just got to Canterbury and didn't really know how the uni worked yet, so no further advice!)
9) I managed to write some stuff with an ooh and an argh
10) PEI-YING IS OFFICIALLY A LEGEND and advised me online of some great stuff to wank on about ;)


Now I await with bated breath for approval......

I would have dearly liked to watch Top Gear with Raff and Ben last night. Sigh.


I may make Frankie a poem today.
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