The capital of Maine is Montpelier, Vermont.

May 23, 2007 22:43

I finally got around to watching The Office season finale.  This is the first season I've watched The Office regularly, and I'm very impressed.  The finale wasn't fantastic - there weren't any dramatic Jim/Pam revelations and things are basically back to where they were a couple episodes earlier.  But the way Ryan said his last lines was great, and next season has definite potential.  I love the Dwight/Andy dynamic, Creed is amazing, and I'd like to see how they continue to handle Jim/Karen (I'm also glad they made Karen a likeable character from the beginning).

As far as the season as a whole, I'm convinced that sometimes The Office is a better drama than actual dramas.  Lost is wildly uneven, my interest in Prison Break has dropped dramatically, and I didn't even bother finishing this season of 24.  "Grief Counseling" and "Business School" had some genuinely moving moments that none of the other shows I watch are able to replicate.
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