Aug 21, 2007 16:03
Now that I have your attention, today marks the second day of the physical portion of "Joseph is better than you". My ass needs kicking and I don't know anyone else better for the job than myself. As such, I am dedicating an hour a day to what I like to call "fat ass time". During "fat ass time" I perform the things necessary to turn "fat ass time" into "fine ass time" and eventually "firefighter time". From what I understand I have a little over 3 months to get back to and beyond where I was in high school (when I wore leg weights to school every other day and made a point of carrying 50lbs worth of weight around for at least an hour) and destroy this agility test. This is not just another job I can talk my way into. Fire Department gigs are highly competitive, and in order to get what I want I will have to actually show people I really am that much better than everyone else.
So I just sat back down from a shower after 1 mile worth of seeing where I stand and lots of upper body punishment. Lacking the necessary personal trainers I'm forced to rely on the vast medical knowledge of my parents and my sister's occasionally insightful advice. My current fat ass schedule is at least a mile every day nonstop, alternating days for upper and lower body strength training and stretching before and after. In two weeks time I will be running two miles and will start agility training and do stupid things like sprinting, climbing and suicide runs. The actual flow of things makes more sense in my head than it does on paper since I'm familiar with the state my body's in and what I used to be capable of when I was healthier. Chances are I will not be ready by November and won't make the cut, but regardless I will be where I want to be physically and have the opportunity available to me the next time or if any other department near me is hiring. At the very least I can take advantage of the benefits of being healthy again by finding a gym that trains in Vale Tudo/mixed martial arts and get down to the real reason I play violent video games.
By the way I was serious guys, please stop asking. Friday is open door. If you're going to show up and wreck my place go ahead and do it before I change my mind.