Glow in the Dark Party!
for the Gemini(s) of Hothra; Chris, Kim, Lianne, and Lee.
at HothRA, June 20th and 21st. Starts about 5pm on Friday.
If you have any glow-in-the-dark/blacklight clothes and/or accessories we encourage you to wear them.
This is a potluck, please bring food/drinks if you can, though you're not required to.
Please RSVP according to Kenny....
Posted by Kenny:
Saturday will be BBQ all day long. Feel free to come to one or both days.
Please post/reply to/whatever at any of the places posted whether you can come or not. You can also call Karl, Jason or I and let us know directly. If you'd like to bring someone else along, run it past one of us first. If you would like to bring something to help out, please post what you want to bring. Good suggestions are things you'd like to eat or drink. We don't expect everyone to bring stuff. Hopefully compiling a list will prevent too many people from bringing the same things. If you can bring any ice chests, let us know. We're probably going to need several.
Lots of music, dancing, eating, drinking, and glowy mayhem to be had!