Title: Unspoken romance - part 1
Author: Ray-chan (me again XD)
Beta: lovely manager-san
no3lr3i <3
Pairing: Sakumiya, Matsumiya (fake)
Rating + Genre: PG-13 (NC-17 later), angst, history, super natural
Disclaimer: Everything I have is my fics.
Summary: The legend power gives a person who has it everything except love. Everyone dreams of this power except the one who is having it. “If I have this eternal life only to suffer a pain that I lost my love forever, I’d rather die” said that person.
A/N: I’m back XDD This is the first historical fic I write and Sakumiya again, a short multi-chapter fic (you can consider it as very long one-shot) ^^ Hope everyone will enjoy it XD
Part 1
Once upon a time, there was a hidden myth about the existence of a certain power in a village