Title: My Heart in Your Orbit
Fandom: Arashi
Pairing/Focus: Sakumiya (main), Junba (side)
Rating: PG-15
Warnings: silly humour, a bit of alcohol consumption, complicated relationships, slice-of-life-y sci-fi (wow, that's almost a tongue twister)
Summary: When two strangers crashing at Nino's place one night tell him they came from a far away galaxy to Planet Earth in order to find their missing prince, Nino thinks they are lunatics. When his flatmate invites them to stay at their apartment during their search and Nino even agrees, he starts questioning his own sanity. And if this wasn't enough, the more the two supposed aliens get involved into his life, the more Nino has to admit that he comes to like one of them, specifically...
Notes: Repost of my 2018 Ninoexchange for marmarci! This was my first attempt on writing something sci-fi-y. Big big thanks as always to Kittykaty and Juju, my lovely betas, for mental support and error detection!
Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4*NEW Chapter 5on AO3.
Posting Schedule: Since this story is quite long, I'll be posting a total of 7 chapters on Saturdays and Wednesdays if nothing comes in the way.
Update - I might have to change things a bit since unfortunately I was only able to update irregularly (sorry for the delay!), but I'll try to finish uploading before I'm off to a trip... a trip I dreamed about for half of my life btw :3 *excited*.
♥ Sky